Fucking psycho.

I can't wait for Eric to rip him apart, in the most horrible way possible.

Once he's gone from our lives, and we can continue in peace, I don't plan on leaving the bedroom, wearing clothes, or removing my lips from his body while I continuously claim him as mine.

The sexual tension between us is unbearable. I've never wished death on someone, but right now, as I watch Eric wipe sweat from his forehead with the front of his top and run his fingers through unruly hair, I'd murder each and every one of those responsible with a butter knife. I really would. Just to feel his naked skin against my own, to hear those three words muttered against my ear while he expertly moved inside of me.

Dammit, I hate them all.

An exhausted Gareth is in his wheelchair again and sipping water, watching the men tackle the ropes hanging over a wooden wall. I try not to let myself over analyse as I keep my eyes on him, searching for some sort of falsity. I fail miserably as my heart picks up its pace for the millionth time today.

He really can't be Mark, right? I mean, if so, then he called himself a cripple. He said he wanted to fuck me then slice my throat open, and even threatened Ainsley, Gareth's girlfriend and mother of his unborn child.

No, surely not. I refuse to believe he can be that monstrous, that sneaky, and unfaithful to my best friend. I trust Gareth. I like Gareth. He laughs at something Eric says, and my ears grow hot, my heartbeat drumming so hard, so loud, I can barely hear what Ainsley is saying beside me.

"Hello? Earth to Danielle?"

Ainsley's brows furrow as I turn to her. This is the fifth time I've zoned out today and it's only ten in the morning. "Sorry. What did you say?"

"I asked if you two are okay now," she says, fixing her boobs in her sports bra and opening her third packet of crisps. "You know, after the dancing and the fact you can't stop looking at each other as if you want to burn each other's clothes off."

I press a finger to my lips, hoping she doesn't add any other details that may be picked up through my band. She frowns, goes to speak again, and I cut in by saying, "Are you doing Gareth's therapy at the sports hall tomorrow? I heard you telling my mum."

She smiles. "Yeah. I asked if I could do more to help. I feel so useless when the nurses are helping him and I'm standing there like a plonker. Even fucking Eric helps."

"You do a lot."

Huffing, Ainsley sucks the flavouring off the tip of her fingers.

"Me and Eric could come with you tomorrow for extra support?" I suggest. "He works out like ten times a day, so he'll be more than happy to hit the gym."

Her head snaps to the side, raising both brows. "Really? That would be great." She opens another packet. "I'll bring snacks!"

I laugh with a shake of my head, turning back to look at the boys as Eric helps Gareth to his feet once more. With two railing on each side of him, he grips the bars, trying to keep himself straight while Eric pushes his own chest out to straighten his back. He copies him and attempts to take one step forward.

Ainsley gasps as Gareth staggers, and Eric catches under his arms, helping him back to his feet. We watch as Frank hurries over to help, both taking each side of his harness to hold him up while he takes one shaky step, halting to breathe.

Gareth can stand; his legs do work. But his balance isn't the best, and his coordination is so off that the motion of putting one foot in front of the other is a huge struggle. His speech is getting better, everything above his waist works as normal, and Ainsley, informative as ever, had told me that his cock works perfectly fine, too.

𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 [𝟏𝟖+] ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon