Chapter Nineteen: Capture.

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She told me and I nodded.

Sheila: I understand but from the way he looked at her when he lied, it hurt him to do it, just could see it, I just want him to be okay and happy, so can you go talk to him please?

I begged her.

Santos: Sure I can.

She said and got up as she and walked to the door, opening it, she walked out and I got up as well and leave, to my office.


I had walked out the room and to the training ground, where I know he is at. When I had arrived, I saw him sitting under a tree in a meditating position, going to him, I touch his head with my finger but then lost consciousness and woke up on some mountain.

Santos: Where am I?

I asked out loud and got up as I dust myself off and walked around, I then spot Naruto near the waterfall, being cuddled by a red haired woman, who saw me and waved me over, being curious about why she is cuddling my boyfriend, I know I am going to jail for dating a kid but he is too hard to resist.

Reaching there, I took a seat beside them and Naruto saw me.

Naruto: What, how are you here?

He asked me.

Santos: Well I was coming to you and saw you meditating, so I touch your head to get you to notice me but instead, I got here, where is here anyway and who is that, are you cheating?

I asked as I glare lightly at him, the woman who was cuddling him just laughed lightly and kissed his cheek, which made me mad a little bit.

Naruto: Kisara, what was that for?

He asked the red head, he was looking embarrassed and blushing deeply, but then I remembered the name, Kisara, the beast that was sealed in him.

Santos: Okay this is freaking me out, how is this woman the Kisara that is sealed into you, I thought you said that she is a 70 foot, nine tails fox.

He looked at me and back at the woman and she nodded.

Kisara: Well I am the demon sealed into him, but I also have a human form as well, a sexily form that makes this cutie a blushing mess when he saw me.

She said and kissed him again, I finding it very hard to control myself from punching the woman, Demon or not, she has my man cuddling and kissing, and shut up all you about me being a pedophile.

Naruto: to be honest, that was before me and you got together, please don't hurt me, please.

He begged as the red head just giggled, I sighed and looked at him.

Santos: So is this it for us or...

Naruto: No, no, it's not that, it's just that the seal used on me link the both of our souls together.

Santos: Meaning what?

I asked, confused about it.

Kisara: Meaning that me and him have been married or in my terms, we are mates, thanks to the Death Reaper, I am now his unofficial wife.

She said and my mind took a minute to process it then I just nodded, knowing exactly well that nothing about his life shocks me anymore.

Santos: So what does that have to do with me and him, I can't be dating a married man.

Naruto: Well, what if you two share me?

He suggested and I just looked at him dumbly.

Kisara: That is a good idea, I wouldn't mind sharing him, he is pretty big for just 13.

Naruto: soldier of 141Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin