It was all surprisingly clean, but practically devoid of any personal touches. You wondered how much time he actually spent at home.

You noticed a cup of tea on the table, a curl of steam rising from the still-warm liquid.

"I hope I haven't come too early," you said.

"You haven't, don't worry. Just the right time, actually." He shrugged his coat on. It was different from his usual one; darker, drabber - less conspicuous. "I thought you weren't going to come."

"I admit, it took some deliberation."

"Why choose this route?"

You thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Never been to the Undercity before. It seems... lively."

He chuckled, but didn't say anything.


"Only you could describe the Undercity as 'lively'."

"What can I say? I'm an optimist."

"Or just naïve."

"Are you calling me stupid?"

"No, I'm calling you naïve."

You raised an eyebrow. "I'll take that as a compliment, then."

He grinned, nimble fingers doing up the buttons on his coat. "That's very optimistic of you."


You stood, idly admiring the interior, as he filed away an assortment of items into his pockets - including a concerning amount of money and what looked to be some sort of blade. You frowned, but decided not to pry.

"Do you plan on wearing that?" he asked once done, nodding to your clothes. When you looked puzzled, he added, "It's... colder, down there."

You felt that that was a polite way of saying 'You'll stick out like a sore thumb'.

(You can decide whatever lovely li'l clothes you're wearing at the mo', don't worry)

You looked down at your clothes. You hadn't considered that your usual attire might not be suitable for snooping about the Undercity. In that world of murky browns and sickly grey, you imagined you'd be as stark as blood on snow.

After scrutinizing you for a few seconds, arms crossed, he said, "I think I have something you could borrow. Give me a moment."

He disappeared upstairs before you could protest.

You stood waiting for a few minutes, wringing your hands, unsure if it was impolite to have a look into the other rooms. You decided against it; the last thing you wanted was to be caught snooping. Somewhere within the house, a clock chimed. You counted them in your head. Seven... eight... nine... Nine o'clock.

This was the earliest you'd been out of the house in an embarrassingly long time.

A pattering of footsteps punctuated by the taptap his cane announced Viktor's return. As he descended the stairs, you saw a swash of black fabric folded over one of his arms. He held it out to you once level, and you took it, unfolding it carefully.

You spotted a hood. You raised your eyebrows.

"A cloak?" you said, turning the garment over in your hands, unsure of which was the right way up.

"Yes." He took it from you, flipped it over, and gave it back. "It may be a bit long for you, but it'll do."

As expected, the garment swamped you. You fastened it tight around your neck and did your best to hoist the hem above your feet.

"Pull the fabric around your shoulder back slightly," Viktor advised. "That should make it a bit shorter."

You did as told, raising your eyebrows when it worked. "I didn't think I'd be getting fashion advice from you."

"One of my many talents," he jibed.

"Along with breaking into government buildings?"


"And literally creating a new era of science after breaking into said building?"

He raised one shoulder in a half-shrug. "I am a man of variety."

When you tried the hood, you weren't surprised to find it comically large on you. It fell far over your eyes, completely obscuring your vision. You pulled it back and wrinkled your nose.

"I feel like an omen of death."

"Is that a good thing?"

"I'm not sure. Do I look like one?"

He tilted his head, eyes glinted with humor. "Eh. Not a particularly threatening one."

"Thank you?"

"You're welcome." He retrieved a satchel from the coat rack and slung it over a shoulder.

You had discovered two pockets hidden on the inside of the cloak, and stuffed your hands in them. "So. Are we going, or what?" you asked. "Or is this all another plan to talk to me more?"

He rolled his eyes with mock annoyance as he unlocked the door. "Foiled again."

As you two stepped out onto the street, a passerby eyed you both oddly. You were quite glad for the heavy item of clothing drowning any identifying features of yours. It added a welcome sense of anonymity to your facade. People would look judgingly at the mysterious cloaked stranger, not you yourself.

The streets were still quiet as you made your way to the bridge. It was a bright, open morning. Wide sky. Watery clouds.

"'The Grim Reaper and a mad scientist go to the Undercity'," Viktor mused as he strode along. "That sound like the beginning of a bad joke."

"Haha," you deadpanned, but his words echoed around your mind. They still had a hint of fiction to them; you couldn't quite believe you were doing it. Going there.

To the Undercity.

Word count: 1451
Gonna keep this kinda short 'cos it's late and I wanna read sooooooo

We've reached 20k+ reads????? And 1.1k votes????????? WHA??????? This book has gotten bigger than I ever expected to be - I literally can't get my mind around numbers like that. I'm so grateful for every single read, vote and comment on this li'l story :) You're all very cool mwah mwah mwah.

Can't really think of much else to sayyyyyyyyy. Anyways. I'm going to go sleep now. I'll see y'all in the next riveting installment (in probably like another week's time at this rate- school work sucks). G'night.

See ya!

Ink to Ashes / Arcane Fanfiction Viktor x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora