I idly considered asking Ivy what she did to avoid that... but I could still hear her laughing over the idea of my taking a bath in the toilet. No thanks. I'll figure something out on my own.

"Nate, come here." I glanced over to find she had finished dressing and was holding up her fist as a perch. I flew over and landed on her hand, and prepared to hop up to her shoulder... but instead of saying "Up," Minna picked up the harness and looped it around my neck and legs.

I stared at her in a mixture of annoyance and confusion as she clipped the pieces together against my back. What was the point of the harness this early in the morning? It wasn't like I could get into any trouble in the sunroom. I spread my wings out for balance and craned my neck back to scratch at the stupid thing.

"Up." I paused my scratch to stare up at her. Now she wanted me on her shoulder? She was lucky I was in a good mood from the oil massage... but even still, I was annoyed with the harness. I blinked at her, then flew over to her far shoulder. Just because.

Minna grinned at me. "Okay then, be that way." She reached up to clip the leash on my harness, then took us out of the room.

My stomach growled again as she took us through the house. I felt a vague sense of annoyance as she opened doors that had previously been closed off to me. Had Loreena insisted I be on a leash when I was in any other rooms of the house? That was silly... but I still wouldn't put it past her.

We eventually reached the kitchen, and I stared into the various cabinets that I could see into. Most of them held various boxes or otherwise unappetizing foods that I was more than happy to leave for the Kymari. Minna grabbed two of the frustratingly dragonet-proof containers from one cabinet, causing me to wonder what the second was for, and I stared hungrily at the delicious fruit crammed inside while she took us through other rooms.

I blinked and looked around me when I realized Minna had taken us outside. Was she going to let me dance outside? Aside from when I had been released back in the wild, she hadn't trusted me enough to let me dance off leash. Now that she was confident I would come back when called, had that changed?

I felt a surge of excitement at the thought I might be able to properly dance through the skies for her. And for any other Kymari that would be watching.

The sky was still dark, though. It would still be a bit before it was time to sing for the sunrise. Plenty of time to eat.

Minna sat down on the grassy lawn and opened one of the containers. She spent a few minutes feeding me before my stomach finally accepted that it wasn't the end of the world and quieted down.

I snatched the sunburst berry Minna tossed up to me to signify the end of the meal, and nibbled on it slowly as she closed up and sat aside the empty container. The ever-present odor of the oil made it taste a little funny, but the berry tasted delicious nonetheless. It was still the perfect way to end the meal.

I glanced over at the second container Minna had grabbed, still wondering what it was for, but she just sat it beside the empty one. I had begun to think she had grabbed it to make up for the missed dinner, or that she might even eat it as her own breakfast, but she seemed to be happy leaving it on the floor for now. I gave a little shrug of my wings and adjusted my stance to look over at the horizon. The sky was still dark, so we had plenty of time before I would begin to feel the call of the Morning Song, but I wasn't hungry anymore. I was content to wait and watch the world around us.

After a few minutes I heard the door open again. My ear tufts twitched at the sound and I leaned around Minna's head to see who had joined us. I fought the urge to grin as I saw Loreena standing in the doorway with Lyzel in her arms. The Kymari child was clearly exhausted, and stared blearily ahead with half-open eyes. She glanced at the window as if it was the hardest thing in the world to do, then grumbled. "...not even a school day..."

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