Ice Cavern

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"What is this place?" Link asked Navi as he traversed through a stalagmite-filled passage layered in frost and ice. Even with the pelt he was still wearing, this air particularly chilled him to the bone.

"This place..." Navi responded to Link as he ducked under a cluster of icicles complementing the jags rising from the cave floor. "I feel this place is special... somehow."

In the next room, dimly lit by the light from outside, an object best described as a cluster of knives came sliding towards him. Link dove out of the way, the shing of the blades nearly catching his boots. Sliding across a floor of slippery ice, Link was stopped by several chunks of ice grouped in a cluster.

"A blade trap... for defense, perhaps," Navi postulated as Link propped himself up against one of the chunks of ice.

This chunk of ice then slid away from him, leaving him to fall flat on his back. When he got to his feet, Link had to dive to the floor once again... this time for a crystal cloud of cool white vapor.... blasted from within the chunk of ice. It had become mobile of its own volition.

"That's a Freezard," said Navi, "its freezing breath makes your body frozen on contact."

Forming a mouth from which it blew the freezing air, it became abundantly clear that this sentient chunk of ice was a statue, taking the shape of a bull, its eyes of ice somehow sending a fierce gaze that angrily pierced Link's soul.

He suddenly remembered the other chunks it was clustered with. He spun around, discovering that they move absolutely silently. He ducked again, this time reaching for the Megaton Hammer he acquired inside Death Mountain. Keeping low to the icy floor, he shattered each one of them, reducing them to the chunks of ice that they were.

"They're guarding something..." Navi suggested.

"...something King Zora needs..." Link stated, knowing this was the case.

Continuing onward, leaving the room full of pitfalls behind, another icy chamber greeted him. The ceiling was very high, invisible in the dark shadows. Somehow, this room was getting enough light to cast those shadows. In it, Link could see another icy floor, with ice formations littered across it. Clear across from him, he noticed the blue beacon that lured him into this cavern in the first place.

He proceeded across the slippery floor, over to what he could now see was an alcove high up on the cavern wall. By the time he reached it, the mysterious flame vanished once more.

"It's in there!" Link shouted with confidence.

The ledge was just out of reach, however. Looking around, Link spotted a flat chunk of ice, just the right height to use as a stepping platform. He walked over to where it sat, butted up against the same wall that held the alcove. All he had to do was push it over beneath the ledge.

"Wait!" Navi intervened as he flexed his upper body in preparation of giving it a hearty shove. "You're not going to be able to stop its momentum across this icy floor." Navi flew over to where it would have gone. Link followed her, slipping to a stop as he noticed a feature of the cave he overlooked.

A dark chasm lined the side wall of the room, running deep into the cave system. Link would lose his nice little platform if it kept sliding over to this edge.

"What do you suggest, Navi?"

Navi flew over to the ice formations. These ones didn't come to life. "Try using these formations as stoppers."

Link thought he followed her logic. If he pushed the block in a straight line to an ice chunk, the chunk would stop it from sliding across the frictionless floor. If he could map out a path for it, he could direct it straight under the alcove. "A puzzle..." Link realized.

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