Chapter 7 The Match For Ones Freedom DxD Part 7

Start from the beginning

Up in the stands of the stadium

Sona:he can coat his sword with holy magic

Y/N:Correct Sona

I said shocking Sona

Y/N:but not only that i can also enchant my sword with devil magic as well so for the angels and devils i am basically a neutral  person for the two races which also means

Sirzechs:That you can be either a great friend or the worst enemy to our races

Y/N:correct but seeing a satan still cares for his creations i will not kill you

I then dash at John and unleash a fury of slashes

I then dash at John and unleash a fury of slashes

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A/N:Basically  what you did

John then falls to the ground unconscious

Grayfia (Mic):thats match! Y/N  L/N Wins!

I am then teleported to a dinning hall where everyone else is at

Sona runs over to me and hugs me tightly which i hug back

Y/N:See i told you i would beat him and that he never knew what hit him

Sona smiles before snuggling into my chest

Sona:That you did and I'm glad

Soon two figures begin to walk over to me and Sona

Sona:Mother Father...

I let out a loud gulp before looking at the figures approaching me and sona

Y/N:Y-Y-Your P-P-Parents?

Sona:Are you alright?

Serafall:He's fine sona just the harshest part for any couple no matter if they just started dating or recently  became engaged  is the meeting of the parents of their loved ones which im sure all the boys in the room have experienced

Sirzechs another devil that looks like him and every other male devil all nods in agreement

Soon the two individuals  stand before me and Sona

Soon the two individuals  stand before me and Sona

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Cheaters/Abusers x Male Reader x Multiversal HaremWhere stories live. Discover now