A Breed Of Her Own

Start from the beginning

"You don't understand!" I say, using what I learned in karate to free myself, jogging back over to her. "Just let me be on your show." I say, stopping a few inches in front of her.

"Look, Trina, I appreciate it, but that's not how it works." Kim says as her bodyguard grabs me again, this time tightening his grip around me and pulling me away.

Twenty minutes after the bodyguard, Dave I believe they said his name was on an episode a few weeks ago, lets me go, I see Kim heading into a part of the dog park with trees off to the side of where she was taking pictures and meeting other fans. "Can't stop me." I say, showing that Tori's not the only Vega who gets what she wants.

Once Kim is far enough away in the trees, and no one following her since her sisters are still doing the meet and greet and she wanted to be alone with one of the dogs she brought with her, a fans I'm guessing since she doesn't have a German Shepherd, and go for a walk, I start to follow her, glad that the park had guards set up around to stop crazy fans from getting to the Kardashians.

It takes me almost ten minutes to catch up to her, and by then, the German Shepherd is gone, probably ran off or something. Which is perfect.

"Kim, wait up!" I yell, jogging up to her and cutting her off.

"I thought Dave threw you out?" Kim asks, staring at me.

"I knew it was Dave." I whisper, looking to the side momentarily. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I'm just a huge fan of yours. Please, can I get your autograph?" I ask, pulling out a picture I printed out from her selfie book from my cleavage. Don't ask how I got the picture in there without rolling or folding it.

"Sure. Why not?" Kim says, pulling a sharpie from her pants pocket, uncapping it with her mouth.

"Ooh, how about a picture?" I ask, pulling my camera out, also from my cleavage, again don't ask, and swinging it up as she caps the sharpie.

"Ow!" I hear. Looking over, I see Kim, my idol, on her hands and knees, head down.

"Oh, my God! I am so sorry!" I says, dropping the camera and checking on Kim, patting her head and hoping I don't feel blood. "I didn't know you were so close." I say, rubbing where I feel a lump forming on the back of her head, taking the small whine that seems to escape from her mouth as a good thing.

Next think I know, Kim Kardashian is licking my face. And not like Tori and Jade did that one time I walked in on them in the living room. But like the puppy Tori and I used to have as kids used to always do to us.

"What the?" I ask, staring at the celebrity before me. "Uh, are you okay, Miss Kardashian?" I ask, standing up.

When I stand up, Kim walks over to me, on her hands and knees, and starts rubbing against my legs, whining like the puppy we used to have.

"I don't know what's going on, but you're coming home with me." I say, as I start petting Kim's back, my smile widening when she pushes closer to me.

As Trina plays with Kim, she thinks about how she can get Kim out of there without anyone seeing her. When she pulled up to the dog park, she drove around it and noticed that, thanks to the fence they set up for the park and the security for the Kardashians being there, she knew it wouldn't be possible to get Kim out of there without being caught, so she plans on how to get Kim out of there without security seeing them.

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