15 | Final Battle

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George's POV

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George's POV

I entered the dungeon, I was feeling dizzy but for some reason I didn't felt that numb anymore. That mysterious witch was stuck in my mind since she shared with me eye contact. She reminded me of someone really important but I couldn't put it together. I had to talk to her. She sat on the ground of her cell, neutral face until she spotted me. "What you came for? Prepare me for execution? Torture? What Mortianna ordered you to do?" Marabella asked, slight annoyance in her voice.

"No...I....look, do we know each others?" I asked, rather awkward. Marabella was surprised by my question but standed up from the ground, approaching me through the cell. "Same story again, I see. Except for fact you were a child back then. Me in cell and you completely clueless and brainwashed on the other side." Marabella said, staring into my eyes, making me shiver. "When I was child..? How..? What are you talking about?" I asked, stepping little back but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the bars of cell.

"You said she has my eyes." Marabella whispered, her voice trembling with sudden emotions. "Who..?" I trembled now too but then as I stared into her eyes again, something overwhelmed me. Like I saw something what should have stayed hidden from me. Instead of Marabella, I saw unknown flashbacks of Mortianna taking my childhood and destroying all I use to know, yet in all of that appeared another memory. A girl. A girl so close to me. "C-c-a...Caroline!" I freaked out as I came back to my senses and could remember everything.

"My Caroline...and you...I know you too! I set you free when I was kid, that's...that's when I met Caroline for first time...you're her mother!" I tried process this sudden rush of memories the best way I could. "I was right when I said I'll not be that important in this story...but you will." Marabella smiled at me. "Only love can defeat any of witch's spells or curses. And your love to my Caroline proved it just right giving you back all missing memories." She was right, I little smiled at her. It was a mother of a girl I loved but I was aware more important for us it's survival than impression.

"But Mortianna...she goes after Caroline, I must find her...and warn her...and tell her that I...I.." I panicked as I set Marabella free. "I believe Caroline is in the safest arms right now but it doesn't change the fact Mortianna must be defeated." Marabella said but her speech was ruined as a male figure jumped on me, knocking me at ground. "You scoundrel!" I shouted in rage. It was Robin Hood. "I should have known it's your doing! Where are the prisoners, where is Marian?! Where is Caroline, you bastard!" Robin shouted at me back but I quickly broke free, prepared fight him.

"He has nothing to do with it, calm down both of you!" Marabella stepped between us to avoid our fight. "It's always my fault but this pest keeps stealing and no one says a word to him! It's always me doing the bad!" I shouted, trying punch him. "Well, you are the one prisoning and torturing innocent! You're nothing but a monster!" Robin snapped back, which made my blood boil even more. "I'll have your head!" I yelled but before I could do anything Marabella quickly done a spell, pushing us both on ground, each one on other side of dungeon.

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