6 | Robin Hood

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

When I woke up in the morning, for a moment I felt peaceful. Until I started to remember the events of last night. That really was hell of crazy dinner. I got out of bed, walking to the window in my room. I needed some fresh air after the whole encounter. As I looked outside, I saw the guests returning to their daily life.  The whole castle was quiet, everyone has gone back to work or wherever they have business to do. The Sheriff's men were patrolling the outer walls and a few of them were standing guard outside of my door. How unexcepted.

As the day passed I found myself pacing up and down my room, anxious and waiting for something to happen. The last thing I wanted was to go anywhere near the Sheriff, but I could see him in the distance as he talked to his men in garden, discussing the events of last night. I caught him glancing up in my direction every now and then it hitted me. He wasn't angry. No, his face was filled with different emotion. It was sadness. I thought I'm just picturing things but I could face the fact he felt bad about yesterday.

Could it be even possible for such a tyrant like him feel other emotion than rage and cruelty? I was unaware how to feel. In the end I just dedicated to wait for him to knock on my door. Around 20 minutes passed and I finally heard knocking. I was prepared to argue, get attacked, blamed...everything but I would never imagine what actually excepted me. I opened the door to see the Sheriff standing there. I widened my eyes when I saw him carrying a bouquet of flowers. "Hey, Caroline." Sheriff tried for a smile but it turned out little awkward.

I stared at him in shock and surprise. What does this mean? "Uhm...I thought you might like these?" He chuckled nervously, holding out the bouquet. "Flowers...for me?" I asked, not believing it. "Of course they're for you, who else? Or what's the matter? You don't like them?" He kept asking, little losing temper again. "No..no, they're beautiful. Thank you..?" I responded, uncertain about entire situation. Sheriff walked closer, placing the bouquet in my arms. My palms become surrounded by the petals, the flowers were truly beautiful.

"Why...why do you gift me flowers? After yesterday I thought..I thought you will most likely throw me in some dungeon and not gift me literal a boquet." I admitted, making it clear how odd this situation was from my point of view. "Well, I am well aware of what happened last night. This is why I'm here." He explained, remaining nervous. "I can't deny that I'm angry with you for what you did, but the thing you've done for these brats...I mean kids...you really have a kind heart. I can see that you're different to the other nobles who only care about their money."

"To me no gold can compare to a golden heart." I admitted, checking the boquet all over again. "I suppose you're correct." Sheriff muttered, still fighting himself to give me a genuine smile without any lust or sin behind it. "But thank you for these flowers...and kind words." I added. "Yeah..yeah, you're welcome. Those children really got to you, didn't they?" He beamed at me as I held the flowers. "Well, yeah, they did. The situation in city really isn't any bright." I admitted, hoping he won't start yelling or argue. For my surprise he remained calm. Somehow he looked even concered for a while.

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