5 | Dinner or Disaster

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

Hours go by and soon the sun is setting outside. Time flies by and I'm still thinking of my sacrifice. I haven't left my new room once as I was worried that someone might come to check up on me. It was dark outside and I could hear the sound of people's voices outside. It sounded like the castle is filling up with people and so are the streets. I slowly approached the balcony to see dozens of people outside, dressed in tattered clothing, some even begging and homeless.

This was the dreamy Nottinghamshire? Unfortunately it truly was. All the people had one thing in common, they were miserable, cold and tired. Some of them looked up at the castle, their cold eyes showing an expression of bitterness and hatred. "This all is fault of that tyrant." I said to myself, feeling bad. The whole scene was taking my breath away. I thought, what kind of man makes his own people this miserable, poor and hopeless?

I watched them a little while longer, until I spotted two little girls wearing rags, looking dirty. They looked up at the castle too, their expression empty and hopeless, as they both hugged each other to keep themselves warm. My heart was breaking. I must do something. But what? I woke up from my thoughts as I heard footsteps. It sounded like someone is walking along the corridor to my room. My heart was pounding. I was hoping it's just one of the servants, but a part of me knew it's him.

I was right. "It's me, Caroline, don't worry. I can't believe you've been in here the whole day. I guess you'll really be wanting dinner by now!" Sheriff laughed out playfully, knocking harder. "Come now, come to the door. I just want to talk to my soon to be wife." I stayed on balcony, without response. His voice became stern as he kept banging on the door. "Caroline, you're being rude by making me wait like this. Either come out or I will make you come out..."

"I'm not hungry." I called my response. "Oh, don't be silly, dear. You'll have to have eat whether you like it or not. I can't let my future wife starve, can I?" He grinned. "If you care so much for me to not starve, you could pass me the meal through door." I offered which was propably a huge mistake as the banging continued with more force. "Caroline, why are you doing this to me? Your future husband is standing outside and begging to see you. I can't wait to marry you and have this whole castle and especially you for myself!" Sheriff exclaimed with the door shaking.

"I just don't want to. To be honest, I'll rather starve than dine with you!" I shouted, without realization this truly was the last straw. Sheriff stopped for a short second before the hammering started again, this time more forceful and violent. "Open the goddamn door or I swear I'll tear this whole place down just for you!" I freaked out by his shouting. This was getting out of control, sooner or later he would break down the door. I really had no choice. "Wait, I'll come out, just stop!" I called as I couldn't listen to it anymore.

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