Zayd grumbled beneath his breath and she can guess he is cursing. She is not going to reprimand or chide him, she is the cause and root of it, since he was young. Her husband tried stopping her but end up joining whenever they are having their feat hence the house is filled with cursers. As long as he won't say it out loud for her ears, she won't have any problem with him, he should just know his limits. He's never been this worked up anyway, he hardly curses but today, he is pushed to the wall.

He sighed and answered. "She didn't do anything to earn a few words with you." He gave her a look that says 'I know you won't make it easy for her and I don't trust you with anyone in my school' so she smiled innocently with a shrug. "She tried pulling my hair and even succeeded even though I'm an inch taller than her, she is tall. She has such a long charcoal hair that is always in disarray on her head, she is a crazy and lunatic girl, I swear to God. She doesn't even close her hair and she is a Muslim for god's sake! Mom... she doesn't pray too and curses like a sailor or a wash woman slash roadside hawker around bunch of thugs. I'm not judging her but..."

He bent his head and closed his eyes, tugging at his growing hair —something his teacher just talked to him about before he left school few minutes ago— in wrath. Fatima watched in amazement, a girl doing that to her son who's always been detached to his surroundings except his family. Whenever he is around them, he is so free and jubilant but outside the world, people think he is too arrogant because he's born with a silver spoon poised across his lips and that is untrue.

Scowling again as if remembering something, he rambled some more like he's always done since his young age. And he does that only to his parents and younger sister, no one else. "She even called me names. She said I am long limbed and don't even know what I should do with my arms. God, she hit my head intentionally with a log but fortunately she missed her target. Then she placed a note behind my back saying that they should call me a fool, and the kids in school were doing so too. I was so furious earlier. I wanted to fight for the first time because of a girl."

He face palmed himself. "She is nothing but trouble. I am starting to hate the entire gender except you and Bee seriously."

Fatima tried hard and gulped down her guffaw then place a hand on his shoulder. The paroxysm is just getting more interesting. "You shouldn't hate girls please. I want you to marry some day and produce grandchildren for me. Now about this Layla girl, can you describe her further for me? I want to know who's got my son dancing to her tunes in fury."

She curled her fingers around her cheeks and gaze at him with intent gingerbread colored eyes blazing with intense curiosity. She's just glad that her son is talking about another girl other than their family members, it's entertaining and a bit more refreshing. If this Layla girl happens to be fiery with same spirit as her own, she will definitely encourage and goad her to further split her son's life into two. Maybe then, he will get a glimpse of what boys his mate do. They keep girlfriends and spoil them with gifts then breakup later.

She is totally encouraging the situation. She wants that to happen to her son, he does nothing like they do. A change from him looks too good to be true and she will get as much information as she could about the entire story. She is so eager to talk about this to her husband later in the evening.

Besides, this Layla girl is right about the long limbs. Her son with oval shaped face, almond light brown eyes lighter than her own, strong but straight nose like her own and wide mouth of his father. His entire features put together gives the carbon copy of his father, it irritates her. He is not supposed to look like him, not after all she's endured to bring him into this world. It felt like her life was slowly leaving her body from toes and out of her mouth, she hates the outcome. But loves him nonetheless, a lot actually.

GO TO HELL, CAPTAIN (Preview)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora