"Hi, Miss. Nyx "an old man walks out of that place from where the sounds were coming.

"Hi ...umm you might be Mr.Falcon" I extend my arm in the process of a handshake.

"Yes"  we talk about like 40 min about our upcoming project and he shows me my office and now it's lunchtime. Over here we have a lunch break of 1 and half hours.

I walk to a nearby restaurant and watch Caleb sitting over there I sit at the same table with him quietly.
"Ummmm...Hi! wassup, man!"


"So why did you leave without explaining to me what you were doing at my place at night?"

"Oh! Your place Miss.Harley that's my freaking home, not a place for rent and I think I don't need to explain I can go there whenever I want to be"

"Actually ....sorry and  sorry again for overhearing your conversation with your father today in the morning"

"Then why don't you pack your bags and leave!"

"It's not as easy as you think Mr.!" Now I am matching his tone.

"and why is that"

"Are you kidding me? I am in a foreign country I don't know how to speak their native language  and nobody knows me to hear, I thought I found a friend but seems like he also doesn't wanna be my friend "

"I am ......sorry I was just..... so ..umm I don't know "

"It's okay, Let's order something," now he seems to calm down 

"Oh Okay" 

"You know what I don't know why but you are not the Caleb I meet that day and if you ever wanna share something I am one call away. Sometimes things get easy by sharing."

"Yes! I guess as you overhear my conversation with my dad it will not take time to tell you what's exactly going on" Caleb tells me his whole history at first I was shocked but then I start feeling what he feels. He tells me he's here to take over his dad's business and get everything he has.

"Caleb ...sometimes loves changes with time, but it doesn't mean they never loved each other it's just that their love isn't strong and it fades with time, and your father moved on and accept the fact faster but this isn't mean he didn't love you mother but ... I can't tell anything cuz I don't know in what circumstances your father agree to marry that other woman or what you two been through but the thing is you can't do this to your own father you can't get his company for which he worked hard day and night."

"Hmm, maybe you are right cuz I left after my mother's death I didn't attend his marriage, and umm...Thank you for this"

"No problem buddy, I'll be here if you need anything, and Oh! where do you live now?"

"Thank a girl she lives in my house so live in a hotel last night"

"Really! I mean where did you live before?"

"I came the day I meet you in that Pottery shop, the owner lady is  my close friend and she knows about my situation so I went to meet her first and when I get in-home then you know"


"Oh it's been nearly hr., you should get going"

"O, yeh...Bye and cal-"

"Yes mam I got it don't need to repeat it bye" 

Caleb P.O.V:- I thought about what Harley said today and I tell Lilly that I don't wanna get my father's company I just want my father to realize that ..that shit hurts. But Lilly didn't agree with me she tells me I need the power to face my father and that power will Company. Lilly tells the exact opposite thing of Harley. Harley tells me to get my father back by the power of love and Lilly ... she's talking about taking company. When I thought about Harley I Thought she's right but when I thought about Lilly I thought she's Right.

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