I sighed dreamily still feelings his lips against mine, they were so thick and soft, ugh! I felt my cheeks warm up as inappropriate thoughts started filling my head, I hadn't got any in so long, my sexual frustration was out of control, I wish Dave would please me like he used to but I'm to disgusting to be touched by him let alone kissed, it's like touching me would practically kill him.

I rolled my eyes at the negative thoughts that were slowly creeping their way into my mind, I had an amazing night for the first time in forever and I wasn't about to let my thoughts ruin it, right now I was exhausted and in need of some sleep, I walked up stairs and was about to enter my bedroom but immediately stopped remembering what goes on in that bedroom when I'm not around, I bit inside of my cheek and swiftly turned away from the door going downstairs to one of the guest rooms, I entered the burgundy colored room and got into the queen sized bed, I grabbed two pillows and placed my arms and legs under it, cuddling closely to them, I let out a tired yawn and quickly drifted asleep.

Dave's POV

I heard my alarm blaring through the room, I quickly grabbed it and shut it off before it could wake up Luna, I looked down at her as she slept in my arms, she was sound asleep so this was my chance to leave, I would've stayed longer but I've been out for to long and Anura is probably worried about me, I quietly slipped out of bed and began to get dress, last night with Luna was amazing, after the party we had drunk sex which included so many rounds that I lost track of, her sex drive was out of this world.

I put on my long sleeve shirt not bothering to button it up and buckled my pants, I slipped on my loafers and grabbed my belongings quietly leaving her bedroom, I left her house making sure to lock it behind me, I hopped in my car and drove off, I'm glad that I sobered up a few hours ago because I would've not been able to drive home, after 30 minutes of driving I finally made it home, I looked at the time and it read 6:50 am, I'll just get in bed with Anura and act like I came home a long time ago.

I clicked on the button in my car to open up my garage door,I entered it and parked my car right next to our four cars, I got out locking the door and walked to the house door, I opened it and entered, it was quiet and still, I went upstairs expecting Anura to be in our bed sleeping but she wasn't, I looked in every room upstairs but she was no where to be found, I decided to go down stairs to check two of our guest rooms to see if she was sleeping in there, as I was going down the steps I heard loud screaming coming from down the hall, I quickly ran down the steps and towards the noise, I busted in through the room to see Anura thrashing on the bed violently.

I quickly went to her side and shook her." Anura wake up! Wake up." Her eyes snapped open, she must've had a really bad nightmare for her to be screaming so loudly, I looked down at her drenched faces with a worried look, I climbed into bed with her and pulled her into my arms trying to console her shaking body."Shhh it's okay baby I'm here." I said as I rubbed her back softly, she said nothing to me but instead sob quietly against my chest, I bit my lips feeling a pang of guilt as I held her.

"You're never here when I need you." She said almost inaudible but I knew what she said, I sighed and nodded my head agreeing with her, I'm never home I'm always out and about either working late hours or hanging out Ai and Luna, I hardly have enough time with Anura, although my feelings for her aren't the same I don't need her finding out about it, I need to step up my game because if I don't she'll leave and right now I'm not ready to let her go just yet.

"I know but I'm here now, go back to sleep it was just a bad dream." I told her, she didn't say nothing,I pulled her even more closer to me, I wanted to know what was she dreaming about, but right now wasn't the best time to ask her, I'll ask later.

I laid my head in the croak of her neck, I breathed in her scent smelling a unfamiliar aroma of men's cologne, it doesn't smell like any perfume I own, I looked at her face with confusion written all over my face.

"Where the fuck did she go tonight?"I thought to myself, I wanted to wake her and ask why the fuck did she smell like another man but right now wasn't the best time, I sighed and closed my eyes trying my best not to get upset by it, I'll deal with her in the morning.

~11 am~

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, I got up feeling slightly sick with a small hangover, I walked out the room looking for Anura, once again she was no where to be found, why do I always struggle to find her in this damn house, it ain't that big, I sighed and gave up, I went upstairs to get undressed to take a well deserved hot shower.
After 30 minutes I came out the shower and brushed my teeth, once I was done I walked out the bathroom  and entered my walk in closet, I stopped in my tracks when I saw Anura putting something away in one of the drawers.

"What are you doing?" She slightly jumped and and turned to look at me, when she looked at me I noticed that there was something different about her, her face and eyes looked bright for some reason, I haven't seen her shine like this in a long time.

Anura didn't say anything to me but instead silently got up and was about to leave but I grabbed her, I was going to bring up that manly smell from last night but I decided against it, I'm sure it was nothing and that I'm tripping, it's probably one of her new perfumes that smell like men's cologne, Anura did always like wearing men's cologne for some reason, she said that it smell better than women's perfume, I know Anura would never cheat on me even though I do it to her all the time but she loves me to much to do it herself.

I let out a sigh and let her go."Um you look nice." And I meant it, she did look nice for once, she usually looks horrible and let her self go pretty badly, I'm glad she's noticed and hopefully is planning on changing that, I moved out her way and she left, I got dressed and prepared myself to go to the studio.

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