"Do you have any idea where I can purchase basil leaves? "I haphazardly ask making Sota glance back at me as his one eyebrow raise up practically addressing what I recently said however without brief he shook his head not knowing with regards to the basil leaves fixings, I really needed those until tommorow or I will lose my only one job, and we'll be no place to go except for be destitute.

"That is so arbitrary, for what reason did you out of nowhere search for basil leaves?" He ask as he took a chomp on his chocolate waffle, I turn away my eyes to him attempting to allow words to enter my mind to concoct some rationalization for him.

"Uh— I make some tomato soup with basil leaves earlier and granddad likes it. "I said showing Sota a grin as he gestured his head getting the motivation behind why I out of nowhere searching for basil leaves, sighing out quietly feeling alleviate that he didn't see that I'm in a difficult situation therefore.

"Numbskull, Jungkook most likely reprimanded you to a little things again."

He unexpectedly said without checking out me, I enlarge my eyes as I view at him as I don't have any idea how he realizes that I'm in a tough situation. He looks into glaring his eyes causing me to feel dumbfounded as I can't track down any words however he sneer and shook his head.

"I know you well overall, Azumi. You're still terrible at making reasons, you're continuously rationalizing using your granddad." He said making me breath out as I bring down my shoulder loosening up myself as I didn't let remark that he's adage off-base when he will be, he put down one of his elbow before laying his sharp facial structure on his palm seeing me prepared for me to spill the entire story.

"It just—Uh— I used the basil leaves that I didn't know that it was his." I abbreviate the story, spilling the primary concern decisively causing him to fix his situation with his foreheads meeting up as his bothering began to raise up. I breath out again prepared to spill the subsequent central matter of this horrendous circumstance of mine causing Sota to stay quiet to tune in for everything.

"He's totally distraught and say so—something that it's sounds more than to my off-base doings." I said gradually getting my voice lower as I feel Sota drawing nearer on the table to hear it plainly making me press my lips together after I talk and looks into directly to Sota who shook his head gradually not accepting to what he recently heard. I wish he don't become frantic or accomplish something that makes what is happening more awful before I lose everything.

"That is absurd, what did he tell you?" He ask straightforwardly before my eyes wonder around the eatery to ensure nobody I know inside, I look back to Sota before murmuring out in dissatisfaction to everything causing me to feel what is going on more genuine consistently as I conversing with Sota.

"He said that I only have 24 hours to return that basil leaves or I'll lose my j—job." I said attempting to compel a grin to at minimum quiet this person with some outrage issue, he shook his head feeling done to what he was hearing as he promptly moved up away on the seat making me gaze toward him confound. He strolls on my side and pull me alongside him as he get my wrist leaving some cash on the table, I broaden my eyes having a major sentiments what he's attempting to do.

"Sota, Stop. We should just leave it o—or forget it!" I said endeavoring to stop him for pulling me with him as there's certain individuals gazing at us oddly, I continue to attempt to pull away my hand yet his grasp getting more tight on my wrist making me groan in disappointment as we both gradually moving toward the Jeon Residence.

I began to slap Sota's hand to make him let go of my hand however there's nothing occurring, I extend my eyes a little as I saw the sign 'Jeon Residence' as I began to slap more harder Sota's hand yet he out of nowhere pivot making me bump into his chest.

"Moron, is he here?" He ask very nearly a murmur as he notice that there's a watchman on the door, this nitwit attempting to carry on like a valiant one however he's to bashful to pose those inquiries to the gatekeeper when the possibly monitor knows whether a portion of Jeon's relative went out, I laugh at Sota as he roll his eyes away on me before releasing my wrist.

"I don't know, just go back home!" I said just about an uproarious murmur as he again roll his eyes feeling aggravated, I feeling fairly fulfilled to his response as he looks back to the guards making him feel to ask however I slap his arm making him take a gander at me with augment eyes while he's scouring his arm where I slap it.

I laugh at his response however he unexpectedly stimulate me on my midsection making me slap his hands yet he actually didn't stop. Not going to keep it on myself however it's so embarassement to certain individuals strolling by as there's two insane individuals being excessively delicate, I jump extremely hard when there's car who blare exceptionally clearly making me and Sota turn to the right side.

"Focus on your school works and stop being lovely dove young kids!" Arbitrary dreadful old person said as he lower the window of his vehicle as he takes a gander at us with revolting face, I turn away as I admire Sota who's frowning at the person as I heard the car drove away. I giggle once again as Sota peers down on me, leaving about a major breath as he taps my head.

"Just get inside before I intend to punch your boss." Sota said as he show me his clench hand as I laugh to his weird actions, I basically feel happy that he didn't plan to kill him or I'll be frantic at him for killing the hopeless man that will cause to lose my only one job, holy cow.

"Alright. Bye, go away!" I said as I turn him around with my little hands as he leaves a laugh, I began to drive him away as I glance over to his front however I was shock seeing Jungkook, Taehyung and one person getting out the small gate making me pull back Sota as he was going to collide with them.

"S—sorry." I said as yet holding Sota on the rear of his shirt, I notice them three glance back at us. I seen Taehyung view at me with a grin all the rage as I grin back, seeing the person on the right half of his is non other person name Jungkook who's currently glaring to Sota before to me making me turn away as I met the other person causing me to broaden my eyes.

The person who makes me drunk

"A—Azumi. What are you doi— I mean, how are you?" I abruptly don't have the idea what to feel confronting him unexpectedly, he said with a blissful feels draw on his whole face as he stroll towards infront of me as he unexpectedly hold my hand. I gaze toward him as there's a smile all on his face as he looks more appealing than he is, I ungracefully grin as I rub the rear of my head looking covertly to Sota who's analyzing this man infront of me.

"H—Hi?" I said very nearly an inquiry as this man infront of me leave a laugh when he heard my reaction, He actually don't relinquish my hand yet he hold it delicate and solidly sending a shudder down to all my body.

"Jaehyun, Jung Jaehyun. The person you drink a wine wi—" This person infront of me attempting to present himself making me recall everything regarding that evening, I truly appreciate it and have a great time for myself. I looking into directly to his eyes with some interest on what he was talking about yet he didn't complete what he said when somebody cut him off.

"Azumi." One familiar voice said as I look where it came from, Jungkook viewing at me straight on my eyes as he attempting to get my spirit out of my body causing me to feel warm and unexpectedly have a few cold sweats. I squint my eyes a couple of times as I feel my entire body beating, his eyes peer down where my hand actually holding this person name Jaehyun making me immediately let go.

"Get inside, right now."

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