1) Starfire's Story

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Author's Comments: For those of you who don't already know, this is the sequel to Teen Titans: Love Hurts. So if anyone hasn't read that, please go check it out!

Cyborg sat on the sofa in the Titan's living room. His massive shoulders were drooped, and his single human eye was sad. In his robotic hands, he held an old book. The pages were worn, and yellow, but this barely registered in Cyborg's partially robotic mind.

"Hey Cy!" Cyborg dropped the book, and jumped up off of the sofa with a start. He turned and scowled down at the speaker.

"Don't sneak up on me like that B.B." Cyborg lectured. The young man in front of him simply grinned, large lower canines adding to his unusual appearance.

"Dude, you should have seen the look on your face!" the young man's deep-green eyes sparkled mischievously. "It was priceless!" Cyborg scowled down at him.

Then he pushed past the other Titan and exited the living room. The lone Titan stood blinking on the rug. He reached up and confusedly ran a grey-gloved hand through his dark-green hair. "Dude, what's with him?" He wondered aloud.

Something on the rug caught his eye, and he bent down to see what it was. The object was an old book. Gingerly, the Titan picked up the book. Dust from between the pages caused him to sneeze.

There was only one place in the tower where this book could have come from.

The young man stuck the book under his arm, and marched out of the living room whistling. Upon reaching his destination, he rapped on the door.

"Hey Raven." He called. "Open up!" The door slid open a crack revealing a hooded figure. Her dark eyes stared at him intently, the shadow of her hood making her emotion difficult to determine.

"What do you want Beast Boy?" she asked, her gravely voice relatively monotone.

"Cy dropped this book," the Titan replied. He handed her the book that he had found on the rug. Raven looked at it, and frowned. Beast Boy's olive-green skin paled.

"It is your book right?" He asked, shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot.

"Yes," she replied. "Thank-you." As she said this, a ghost of a smile crossed her grey lips. This caused Beast Boy to grin even wider.

"Hey no problem," he replied. He glanced at the book. "So what's in this book anyway?" He asked. Raven glanced at him blankly. "Cy seemed really uptight, so I thought it might be because of whatever's in this book." Beast Boy explained.

"Oh," Raven glanced down at the book in her grey hands. "I don't know. Maybe you should go play, what is it, Large Monkey's with him." Beast Boy chuckled.

"That's 'Mega' Monkey's Raven," he corrected.

"Whatever," she replied with a shrug.

"That's a good idea though," he agreed. "I think I'll go do that."

"Such a sacrifice on your part too huh?" another smile ghosted across Raven's lips. Beast Boy grinned.

"Oh yeah," he agreed, and then he pretended to be fatigued. "Oh such a pain!" He allowed himself to fall foreword onto the ground. Raven chuckled.

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