Chapter 9

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A/n: chapter 10 is still in editing- 1590 words so please, enjoy :>


"Schlatt and Charlie are missing?!" Nikki screeched. Puffy frowned, "Must have gone to the cube." Foolish looked over to the cube. It was getting bigger.

It been almost a month where the first group disappeared. Now it's been a week since Schlatt and Charlie disappeared. They didn't notice it at first as they thought they were just back at their own world. But with the constant "Message can't reach." Made them have second thoughts.*

They had already contacted Mojang moderators and admins but all were too busy with the 1.18 bugs. Scott actually tried to help but since no one could whitelist him, it was futile.

*A month and a week ago with KarlNapIty*(5 months ago for MHA)

"There's no hope in resisting."
Karl realized something.. this is a very good time for a musical number. Sapnap grinned. "This is a great time to sing Other side from the greatest showman." He whispered while Quackity grinned and opened a interface.

"Whatever you will try will be fruitless."

"Mhm, shut up potato face." Quackity finished setting up the music. "Right here right now." Sapnap tapped his shoes onto the ground, it's firm nature adding a more dramatic clack along with the beat of the music.

"I put the offer out." Karl having shoes with a softer grip slid across just stopping at the fridge of the bar. Opening it to try find a monster drink. "Hey - what are you?" A smoke like creature tried to stop him be he still slammed it open. Although, there wasn't any monster he continued singing.

"I don't want to chase you down -" "- I know you see it!" Quackity cuts in. Sliding a glass with beer from the bar to potato face. "You run with me." Now the bar was a mess. "And I can cut you free~!" "Out of the drudgery!" - "And walls you keep in." Karl slides a wine bottle to Quackity. "So trade that typical." "For something colorful."

"And if it's crazy, live a little crazy." Quackity pushes Shigaraki. "You can play it sensible, king of conventional." All three smirked, "Or you can risk it all and see~!"

"Don't!" "You!" "Wanna get away!"
"From the same!"  "Old part you gotta play!"
"'Cause I got what you need."  "So come with me and take the ride."
"It'll take you to the other side"
"'Cause you can do like you do"
"Or you can do like me"
"Stay in the cage", "or you'll finally take the key"
"Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly!"
"It'll take you to the other side."

"Ok, whatever you three are trying to do, Stop. Now." All for One used his quirk pinning all three to the walls nearest to them. Using one of his mind control quirk he got from past fights, he put the three into sleep thinking he can use his quirk on them. But how wrong he was.

*Fast to entrance exam**
- Tubbo POV -

We got to the entrance of the school. I wonder why we even need to take the exams. Nedzu? Nezu? I think it was Nezu..said that we needed to get used to using only our quirks and putting a high standard for us to reach may push us to our limit. Or something, I don't understand this world.

Too deep into thought I bumped into someone causing us both to fall. I braced myself for impact but was surprised when it did not come.

"I'm sorry for using my quirk on you two without permission." The girl with brown hair with a very prominent blush, appologized. I waved it off, not really caring before turing to my right and appologize to the guy I bumped into.

Annoyingly he started to speak incoherently and waved his hands around. 'Annoying' I thought.

Writen exams were bOrInG! Half wasn't even my answers, I just listened into someone muttering of answers and took that. Boom! Perfect score!

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