Chapter 3

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A/n: OC warning for those who doesn't like OC being involved in the story. Don't worry, she's just going to be in this chapter.


"I may have the answer." Everyone turned their heads to face the chimera. "Let me guess, the answer is that we're in a different dimension?" Naomasa noted that aside the attitude Tommy has, he was quite smart - smarter than he was.

The chimera didn't seem to mind that the kid stole his line he was even beaming at the intelligence the blonde showed. "Correct! And that leads me to a proposal that I'm sure will benefit both sides." If they do refuse his offer he'll respect it but wish to keep in contact.

"So what is this offer you got for us?" Tubbo didn't really showed any interest; he was much more interested in Micheal who wasn't even doing anything.

"I would like you all to join in the entrance exam of UA high." Naomasa choked on air. "You're letting them into your school?!" Not that he doesn't know that they won't be hostile, It's just that, The BeeDuo kinda broke one of their top teacher's arm.

"I'm sure Aizawa wouldn't mind." Nezu brushed it off. He knows that Aizawa will end up trusting them in the end. If he does not accept them tho, there's always the paycheck to cut!

"Entrance exam?" All of them were mostly self taught or was home schooled by people around them.*

"You don't have school in your dimension?" Nezu slightly frowned, he wondered how their world functioned. "Uh no. We don't have schools and we're all self taught or home schooled." Fundy now was the one answering the questions regarding school.

"What about governments?" Naomasa asked, 'There's gotta be one.' Ha, how wrong he was. "If you consider the government we act out as one then yes." Ranboo jokingly said. "If what you mean legit governments we don't have one." He went back to serious mode in a split second.

"What do you mean by acting?"

"There's no entertainment system before and people started to kinda have conflict. So Mojang made few interfaces or apps to keep people entertained. Anyone can try entertain people and we're one of those people." Wilbur, the script writer, answered.

Dream held his hand up gaining everyone attention. "Before we continue giving out a lot of information about us and our dimension, why don't you also answer our questions." "Maybe you can gain our trust by giving us information as well." George pointed something that could work in the hero's side. But it was actually for the Dream SMP members to know the world they're more than willing to mess with.

Thus the interrogation for both sides started.


After a long three hours of question and answer for both sides, they were now in UA's property. "This is the soon to be dorm for students in the future. The goal is to monitor students with hard to control quirks." Nezu introduced a building with just cement foundation.

"From what you all said, you're able to build anything as long you have resources. Is that correct?" The other-worlders nodded their heads. "This will be where you will live, we'll try to finish it soon. You can also help if you want." From what Nezu had gathered, they often like to build things with a few people excluded. Definitely excluding the homeless teletubby.

"You'll be living in a hotel for the time being. All the expenses will be covered by the school." Nezu and his smart brain had thought ahead before they even got to question.

They walked through the currently empty halls to a classroom. In the classroom was a girl probably in her late twenties. "This is Mono, she has a quick that allows her to know the drawbacks and function of your quirk."


Quirk: Creative mode(They didn't allow him to call it DreamXD.)
Able to access creative mode at anytime without the need of opening his settings or using commands. If used for more than a minute he'll experience extreme hunger.

Quirk: Talk of nature.(He was too lazy to think of something more creative.)
Ability to talk to any living thing. No drawbacks.

Philza Minecraft
Quirk: CrowFather(Everyone agreed to it and Phil didn't want to argue.)
Ability to fly. Cannot see glass and need something to cover his eyes to fly properly.

Quirk: Gender deception.(Mono thought it was cool to name it that.)
People will see them as any gender they want to. His clothing outside the illusion remains the same inside the illusion.

Quirk: Fox(After a long argument of either calling it Furry of Fox, they settled with Fox.)
Is a fox. No drawbacks.

Quirk: Demon's change(Mono though it was cool.)
Can change into a human form to a demon form. Will slowly drain his stamina trying to hold one form.

Quick: Crystalize(Simplicity because I'm lazy - Skeppy.)
Can create spikes that's like ice but it crystal and is hard to destroy. The bigger the spike the more tired he gets.

Quirk: blood God(Mono didn't have braincells and Techno was neutral to all of her suggestions.)
Can create any weapon from his own blood. Will pass out for anemia no matter how long he does it or how much blood he uses.((based off the anime Beyond the boundary.))

Wilbur Soot
Quirk: Phantom switch(Wilbur said it was a good name.)
Can switch to being a human and phantom at anytime. Will drain his stamina quickly.

Quirk: the bee prince.(Mono lost all her braincells and motivation and shall break the fourth wall if people hate her for giving such bad quirk names.)
If attacked or is feeling a threat, bees will immediately show out of nowhere to attack the threat. He can also fly and create honey and honey poison which servers as a substitute for the poison that a bee's stinger's produce. Needs something to cover his eyes to fly properly.

Quirk: warp(It sounded cool - Ranboo.)
Can warp anywhere as long it's within his radius. After warping, he can get dizzy and lightheaded but only for a short period of time. If used too much; will pass out.

Quirk: Volume control(Mono is lacking braincells, press F for her.)
Can change the valume of any noise that one person hear. Will pass out if used for a long time.

"I don't get what my quirk can do."
"That's because you're a child."
"Oh, shut the fuck up, Wilbur."
"You can make someone deaf for a while or you can make them permanently deaf by turning up the valume they hear."

The sudden sound of the door opening broke the argument. "Nezu, I trust you a lot but why are the trespassers here?" A man with messy black hair, terrible eye bags and bandages on his left arm, asked.

Immediately, Tubbo and Ranboo shielded Michael from the man, few bees appearing. "Stay away from us." Tubbo's voice was laced with vemon, even All For One could be shaken by it. "If they give me permission, I'll explain it to you." Naomasa looked over to Dream who looked at Phil. "Sure, maybe then these two won't be so hostile." He gestured to the two who was glaring at Aizawa.

Naomasa then explained it to Aizawa.

"Do you really believe them?"
"Better if you keep a close eye to them. But yes, I trust them."
"Ok then."

A/n: Ayy, early update. Before anyone comes at me about the weak quirks, it's because they're already powerful, adding a powerful quirk on top of it will just make them very OP.

People can go in your home via invite, but unlike a server, the invite is only available for a certain amount of time.(refer to first A/n for more info)

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