The Inteview

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I get up at 5:30 in the morning. I took a shower and got changed since I practically lived there anyway. I had almost a full wardrobe at Charlie's because I stayed there so much. At around 7 am I jumped on Charlie. "CHAR WAKE UP I'M HUNGRYY!" I yelled in their face. "Y/n. If you don't knock it off right now I will bitch slap you so hard. Some of us actually enjoy sleeping." They groan. I did shut up though because they could slap pretty hard. Then we ate breakfast, did our makeup and headed out.
Your makeup

Your outfit

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Your outfit

 I got a text from Colby! I was so excited

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I got a text from Colby! I was so excited. I thought I would be nervous but I guess being away from my mom made me happy.
Colby: Hey! Sorry for texting so close to when we are supposed to meet but I never told you a location. Could we meet at Little Tea's Café?
Y/n: Yes of course! I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Colby: I'll see you there. :) I'm excited to meet you!
~15 minutes later~

Y/n:Hey!! I'm here where are you?
Colby:Hello!! I'm at table #13. I didn't order yet:)

I'm so excited! I'm starting to feel nervous now though. I felt my heart pounding and I felt sick. I couldn't go back now though it's now or never. I walked in. It was a small café but it was fancy and cute none the less. I walked up to the counter "Hello ma'am. Could you bring me to table 13?" I say my voice a little shaky. "Of course! Follow me this way," She replied. I see the table and notice something. My stomach dropped. It was Colby the famous YouTuber! How could I've been so stupid? This is what I get for not looking into it. I rub my sweaty palms on my skirt and sit down. I thank the waiter and turn to Colby. "Hey! It's great to meet you! You look very beautiful," He says with a loud voice and a smug look on his face. "It's great to meet you also! Thank you! You look great too. So what are we going to talk about?" I reply a bit rushed. I just hoped my blush wasn't visible. "Calm down! Let's order first I'm starving." He laughed. "Alright, do you have another menu?" I giggle. He was the type of person you couldn't help laugh with. He was also very attractive. I hope I want scaring him away though.

He handed me a menu and I looked it over. I loved tea but I decided on a green tea and banana muffin. It's pretty basic but I'm too scared to get anything else because I'd probably throw it up. The waiter came over and took our orders. Colby ordered a black tea with a chocolate muffin. It seemed like a good combination. While we waited we started to talk. He was well-mannered but also threw in dirty jokes here and there. Although he probably did it to everyone I still felt special. The interview was like getting to know someone. Questions like 'what's your hobbies?' 'Do you have a job?' 'How old are you?'. It was pretty nice. When our food came we joked around and made some jokes. It's going great! I'm so happy any nervousness went away. I think I'm going to get in.

We finally got done eating. "Hey y/n?" He asked. "Yes?" I replied confused. "Would you like to be in our YouTube videos and/or help edit them?" He asked. "Yes!! I would love too!" I think I said a little too excited. "That's great!" He replied almost yelling. "Do you need an editor though? I have a friend who's great at it. They could sleep in my room." I ask hopefully. "We could use one! Are you sure it's alright with both of you though?" He replied. "I'll check!" I say quickly opening my phone.

Y/n:Hey! So update the guy is actually Colby teh famous YouTuber! Would you like to edit videos for him and come live with us??!
Charlie😩:that's crazy! Your lying right?
Y/n:no! Now answer
Charlie😩: I can edit videos but I'm not living with him. All those boys probably stink ass
Y/n:Char! Your so rude. Thanks tho! I'll text you when I need you to pick me up ok?
Charlie😩:ok! Love ya, stay safe
Y/n:luv ya <3

"Ok, they said they will edit videos but they don't want to move in," I pout. "That's alright! Tell them I said thank you! It means we'll get a little but more privacy though" he winked. My face is on fire. I just hope he meant it. I mean he's super hot. "Ok y/n, your in. I'll see you tomorrow! Show up anytime after 10:00 a.m, alright?" He said. "Ok thank you! It was such a pleasure and I'm so excited!" I reply with a big, childish smile. I probably look dumb. Although I could care less right now. I mean I'm going to live with this hottie! "See ya!" Colby says snapping me out of my trance. "Oh, I'm sorry! See you! Once again a pleasure meeting you!" I quickly say stuttering.
I definitely look dumb now.

Y/n:hey! We're done and I got in! Could you please pick me up!!!
Charlie😩:Wait. Did you invite me to live there with you before you were even excepted!? Are you fucking dumb. But yes I'm stopping at McDonald's what do you want?
Y/n:uh maybe? Let's not talk about it. I want chicken nuggets with French fries and a milkshake! Pleaseeee 🙏🏻
Charlie😩:yeah I'm in line now once I pick up the food I'll be right there. Luv ya <33
Y/n:okkk!! Luv ya stay safe <33
~30 minutes later~
Charlie😩:I'm out front
Y/n:I see you!!

I stepped into the car and almost slip. "DUMBASS!" Charlie screamed. "Are you ok??!" They ask. "Yeah I'm ok," I respond. "Not you, my car. This was expensive as shi." They say very defensively. "Damn ok," I say putting my arms up. We are riding home and start blasting girl in red. It's so fun. We finally got home and I pack. I pick out my outfit for tomorrow and go to sleep. I'm so excited I could barely sleep.


AN:hello! Sorry that it's not that good! It's a bit rushed but it will have to work. I have a good plot twist so stay in tune for that!

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