Chapter 3

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Sophie Pov:

"You're telling me you met a super cute boy that you totally have a crush on and didn't even get his NUMBER", Biana scolded me at lunch.

I sighed, "yeah".

Just then the bell rang, "C'mon we have lab". We walked down the hall until we reached the lab room. I took my normal seat at my lab table. Biana sat down at the table next to me and Linh joined her a few minutes later. Mr. Tenter walked in and stood in the front of the classroom. I was busy setting up the equipment for the experiment we had today. Turn a fruit of your choice into a battery. Great, I actually know how to do that.

"We have a new student joining us today", Mr. Tenter started, "Keefe Sencen and Mr. Sencen you can be lab partners with Ms. Foster."

Wait what.

"Alright", he said and walked over to my table, and sat down in the seat next to me.

"So, I think we've already met", I said looking up from my project.

"Yeah", he said, "I don't think I got your number".

"Oh yeah", I said and wrote it down on a piece of paper.

After class, I hopped into my car and went home. That night I was sitting on my bed scrolling through Instagram when I saw a text from Keefe. I opened the text app. I scrolled through all of my contacts.



My Bff aka Dex




I don't think I've ever texted him



I haven't talked to her in forever.


I clicked on his contact and read his message

K: hey foster can't sleep

S: me neither

K: I was gonna try and get a job tomorrow I was wondering if you knew any places that are hiring

S: well what can you do

K: I like art and I can draw

S: well there's a place downtown called Artsy Smartsy there hiring

K: cool I'll go down there tomorrow if you're not busy you can come too

S: sure I'll come, night Keefe

K: night Foster

I set my phone down and drifted off to sleep.

Hi guys back with another chapter and I hope you like it. Bye!!

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