Akaza frowns when he hears the statement. "Well then, you leave me no choice. Looks like I have to kill you now."

"Why? Why would you have to kill me?" Kyoujuro questions the man

"Potential threat. He will be happy if a man like you to either be one of us or just be another stone cold corpse." Akaza took on a stance

"Then, so be it. If I die, I will die knowing that I have tried my best to protect all of the people in this kingdom from the likes of you." Kyoujuro getting ready for one final attack

"Flame magic,"

Sensing an ominous force coming from the injured man, Akaza laughs as he prepares for the incoming attack. For he sees the fighting spirits of the flame man just got stronger.

"Flame magic: Chaotic blue afterglow!"


Within a split second, Kyoujuro conjure up a fiery blade and charge forward at superhuman speed. He takes on the form of a japanese dragon surging through the charred and empty hall directly towards his target. Akaza on the other hand unleash a bunch of air punches pushing the air towards Kyoujuro. The air was compressed by his punches effectively making them a dangerous projectile. Kyoujuro ignores them as he cuts through them like it was nothing. He got up real close to Akaza, close enough for them to see each other much more clearly.

'This man.' Akaza thought

'I must end it here!' Kyoujuro thought

Kyoujuro swings his blade engulfing them both in flames. He aims for the neck but he got deflected by Akaza and hit his shoulder instead. But he cut through them and Akaza is clearly feeling the pain of his skins and organs burning. Halfway down, Kyoujuro changes direction back up and out trying to gain his momentum back. Akaza took his chance and tried to punch him in the face again but Kyoujuro dodges it by ducking. He delivers another blow aiming for the neck once again.

"Hyaaaaarrggghhh!!!!!!!!" They both cried out

The flame turns into a towering flamenado burning everything around them to ashes. From outside the castle, the flame goes through the roof eventually lighting up the night sky for all the people to see. After a while, the flame died down as it slowly goes down until it went out. Darkness consumes both men with only the light from the moon illuminating them. One appears to be grunting in pain while the other seems to be displeased by it. As Akaza was holding him up by the neck squeezing his life out.

"Seems like you're running out of straws Kyoujuro. Come on now, that kind of damage doesn't effect me that much." Akaza casually said while his wounds close up. "See? Already healed. What about you? You're half blind with broken ribs and arms. You can't even stand properly. Last chance here, join us."

"You just don't know when to give up do you? Akaza." Kyoujuro coughed up bloods. "Because here, a no is a no. Permanent."

"Too bad Kyoujuro. We could've been such good friends." Akaza smiles at him. "Its time to say gooddbye don't you think?"

All of a sudden, Kyoujuro felt something pierced through his chest. And indeed, Akaza's hand was going right through it and in his hand was a still beating heart slowly dying out. With no remorse, Akaza smash the heart into nothing but a gloopy mess. He let go of Kyoujuro to let him die slowly on the floor.

"It was nice knowing ya. But I have to go now. See ya." He vanishes into the night

"Kyoujuro? Kyoujuro!"

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