Chapter 12.1- Entering the "Villa Pisani Labyrinth!"

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A/N: About the title- The Villa Pisani Labyrinth is one of the hardest mazes in the world. It is in Italy. Our Batuk's mind is that kind of a maze too...and well, he's from Italy also! So, as the name suggests, this part of the chapter is going to delve into the maze that is Batuk's mind. Let's get some insights now!

This chapter is divided into two parts.

12.1 is heavy on the emotional side.

12.2 is heavy on the sexual side. Hence, reader discretion is strongly advised.

We could have posted it as two separate chapters, but we decided to keep it this way. Also, we wanted to give something special to our readers who have been requesting some special Rudhi time. 

Hope you all enjoy! Do let us know about your views through your votes and comments. We really appreciate all the love you shower on us. 


30th November 1942, Roy Chaudhary Haveli, 10:30 PM

Bondita had just finished feeding Rudhir, and like a little good boy, he had slept peacefully in her arms now too.

Adoring her baby, Bondita just pressed a small kiss on one of his hands, and then, very carefully got up from the sofa and put him in his cradle.

Bondita had fed Aaradhya first, and Anirudh had taken her to the bed to make her fall asleep while Bondita fed Rudhir. She had turned her back towards the baba-beti duo as that angle was more comfortable for her to sit. So, she couldn't see the other two people in the room, but she could hear some cooing sounds from the bed and some faint sounds of soft kisses being showered on their daughter.

However, after a couple of minutes, the sounds from both baba and baby had quietened, and now, as she turned towards the bed after putting Rudhir in the cradle, the scene in front of her melted her heart.

Aaradhya was cozily sleeping not on the bed, not in her baba's arms, but on his chest! And baba looked equally happy and cozy while he also slept!

With a fond smile, Bondita went towards the bed, by Anirudh's side. His arms were protectively closed around Aaradhya; even in his sleep, he was making sure that Aaradhya's spine was supported and she wouldn't roll down from his body.

Her smile deepened on realizing that Anirudh's habit of being excessively over protective for her had now found an expansion and transference towards their babies.

Old habits don't die, after all!

A sense of peace and love washed over her as she bent to very gently, and very softly detach Aaradhya from her baba. Anirudh stirred in his sleep when Bondita slowly lifted his arms to pick Aaradhya, but then, letting Bondita take her, he changed his position and continued sleeping.

Sighing, Bondita looked at the wall clock and wondered,

I think Pati Babu is exhausted today. I shouldn't wake him up.

Looking at him lovingly, deciding not to disturb him, she went towards the cradle to put Aaradhya there too by her brother's side.

For the past couple of days, Bondita and Anirudh had fallen into a routine. After putting both the babies to sleep at night, usually around this time, Anirudh would help Bondita with her warm tub sitting session followed by a hot massage and love-making.

His love was proving to be the medicine that could help her heal faster than any elixir in the world.

And while he was taking care of her, she also made sure that he got his regular massage too for the recovery of his muscular strength.

Setting It Right! (A Batuk-Anirudh-Bondita-Kaka Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat