Chapter 1

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❀ Sophia's P

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Sophia's P.O.V

I woke up lazily after a tiresome day yesterday after running through the borders and meadows with my sister. My legs were paining after the extra running and fun we had. But still, I got up from the bed to freshen up.

It's been an hour since I woke up and I have got completely ready. I checked the time, it's 9 am already, time to have breakfast!

I descend down the stairs and reach the dining area, wherein my parents and my sister, Rosie, were waiting for me to have breakfast.

I ask: "What were you people discussing about?"

"Sophie, you've just reached downstairs and you didn't even wish us morning, I am upset", mom says, "well, you've asked already, so listen, we people were discussing about Rosie and you." This time she says it nervously and I guess the topic already because of her nervousness.

"Oh mom, you're being over that mating hunt thing as always, right?"

"But it's important my child, you had to find a mate when you turned 21, but you didn't get. This year's mate hunting festival is arriving. Your sister is 24, I know she too didn't get her mate at 21 but she's ready to attend the festival. You are also 23 already. You should too."

"Oh mom, please, if anyone's fated for me, I'd find him naturally, not by attending a big gathering and if there was one, then he'd come to the so called festival, right?"

As I finish, mom sighs and dad says, "My dear Sophia, just attend this festival once. After then, if you don't find your mate, we'd not force you to find one. You'd be allowed to remain single for as long as you want."

"Okay, fine, you both are really stubborn mom and dad. Now get me breakfast, please, otherwise I'll die out of hunger."

"Yeah, wait, I'll bring the breakfast", mom says.

After having breakfast, I and my sister go to my room to have a talk. I already know the topic that she'd pick 'The Mate Hunting Festival' which is TODAY! That's my typical filmy sister.

We entered the room and now she is seated on my cozy bean bag and I am lying on my bed.

She says: "You know what Snow! Today the young Alphas are arriving at the Mate Hunt after 3 years. Maybe there's one destined for me."

She doesn't usually think, but when she thinks, she thinks of the highest. She is a girl who loves fairytales and wants to live one. Sometimes I feel that she's a typical teenager in the body of a woman.

"Oh really, great, hope one of the Alphas of the different packs is your mate, but if he isn't and a warrior or even an omega is fated for you, what would you do?" I remark.

"Even if that happens, I'll love my mate to the fullest. If he's destined for me, there'd be a reason."


We start scrolling through our mobile phones when she suddenly screams.

"What happened Rose?" I ask, irritated.

"Snow! Snow! Snow! You know, I just read, the Alpha King has decided to come to the hunt after 5 years! What if he's my mate? That'd be so amazing, right?",she says dreamily.

"And what if the rumours about him are true? Then?"

"Oh God! I so hate you for spoiling my dream telling me about those rumours!",she retorts irritated.

"Daydream Rose!"

After a little bit fight, we started scrolling through our devices again and lost the track of time. Just then, we hear a shout from downstairs.

"Sophia, Rosie it's 4 pm already, start getting ready, we have to leave at 7".

"Mom, we can get ready in an hour also. There's no need to sit in front of the mirror this soon." I scream.

"But Honey, you'll only get ready after Rosie gets. I can't take the risk of letting you get ready yourself because I know you'd just wear a hoodie and jeans and trail off with us. You need to get ready properly."

"Ughh, whatever! You just want to spoil my mood and take my freedom away by doing all this." I shout.


A little bit about SOPHIA from the author:
1. She is an omega, who are the weakest/lowest in a werewolf pack. Her whole family consists of a long chain of pure line omegas. But wait! She doesn't seem to be weak at all.
2. She has white hair, completely like pure snow, while all the others in her family have chocolate or red coloured hair.
3. She was named Sophia because of those hair and her skin.



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