Chapter 3

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❀ Sophia's P

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❀ Sophia's P.O.V ❀

I was roaming around and didn't notice when I entered deep in the forest while searching for my 'mate'. Some more people would definitely be here as this place touches the hunt's grounds. So, definitely those who have found their mates would have come here to spend time with their mates, as usual.

I think to find a way to return back as it can be dangerous here. Remembering Violet's words, I think it would be wise not to stay here for much time.

I turn around and start walking out of the forest. Walking for a minute or two, I realise I am being followed. Some footsteps are following me at every direction I am heading to. Oh God! I have to save myself now. I am in great danger.

I start walking a little fast and the sound of footsteps following me gets faster. My heartbeat starts rising up and I start shaking. Suddenly, someone grabs my hand and turns me around. I see 3 men, looking at me as if I am a piece of meat and smirking down at me. One of them has a tight grip on my hand.

I rotate my arm so as to loosen his grip but instead, he holds my hand more tightly.

The second one says, "Oh Sweetie! You are so pretty, you know."

The last man says,"Come! Enjoy with us. We won't do you any harm girl."

They grab my second arm also and begin dragging me deeper into the forest. I don't know what takes over me that I shake my one arm violently and punch one of those men as my arm gets untangled from his hand.

They look at me with anger and I know it isn't wise to stay here even for a second now. I start to run, if it would have been 1 person then maybe I could handle but not now. They are so big in size and I am a fragile omega. I keep running in an unknown direction, not knowing where to go.

I reach a place, I guess in mid forest, there is a very dense forest around. I start feeling suffocated. I see that the three men have encircled me.

Goddess! Save me or else I'll become a piece of raw meat!

I see something in their eyes- lust!! Their eyes are full of lust and there's no way they are letting me go easily. One of them comes forward, ready to catch me in his paws but I dodge him.

The other two trail for me and I can smell power- they are warriors! I try to dodge but fail. It's do or die for me!

I kick one of them and just as I am about to punch the other, I feel my arm gripped. The other person has held my arm tightly and I can't even move a bit as they finally grip both my arms.

I begin to feel unconscious and I can see their smirks widen. I am not able to see anything clearly. I can just see blurred visions. Shit!

I am about to fall on the ground unconscious when I feel strong arms gripping my waist tightly. A strong scent of mint and honey fills my nose.


My wolf says, weakly but ecstatically. I can't see anything clearly but I can feel him keeping me gently on the grass. I don't know what he does to scare away the men. But I can feel him retrieving back to me and that is when the world blacks out for me.



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