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The gel was cold on her belly, and despite knowing that it was going to be, Bella still flinched. Dr. Packard raised an eyebrow as if to ask if she was okay, and after nodding sheepishly at the doctor to continue, he turned the screen towards her and begun the examination.
Thud thud thud thud, rapid heartbeats could be heard in the stillness of the air, and after passing the wand over her belly, checking for abnormalities, Dr. Packard looked at the Luna, biting his lip. "Spit it out, David." Bella ordered, preparing for the worst, but still, the doctor hesitated, "I think you should call the Alpha so that you can hear this together, Luna."
Now she knew it was terrible, "Don't make me order you, Doctor." Bella warned, and taking a deep breath, Dr. Packard blurted out, "There's five of them in there, Luna. You're having quintuplets!"

Shadow was in the middle of a strategy meeting when Isabella contacted him via mind link. "I'm at the pack clinic. You need to get here NOW!"

The Alpha dropped everything as dread overcame him, his Bella was in trouble, and he would kill whoever put her in the hospital! Like the big bad wolf, he shifted, roaring in warning at anyone in his way as he took off to where his mate was.

'Now is the wrong time to laugh, David,' the doctor scolded himself, but even that wasn't enough to stifle the snort that escaped him. Two fully grown adults currently lay side by side on twin hospital beds, dead to the world, and David was the only one who saw them faint.
Sometimes he loved his job.
Alpha Stalker came barrelling into the room a few moments beforehand, phasing back and overwhelming his mate with a barrage of questions, so Luna Isabella did the only thing any hormonal woman could do. She told the poor man they were going to be parents to five babies. The Alpha went pale, then red, then pale again, losing the ability to form words, and then Shadow dropped like a stone. Seeing her mate faint dead away caused a chain reaction, and Isabella promptly followed suit. It took every ounce of strength David had to lift the Alpha onto the bed, 'Good Goddess, what has that wolf been eating?' David grunted then the good doctor decided he would rather not know. What a couple did behind closed doors was none of his business.

"What just happened?" The Alpha's gruff voice held a natural timbre of command to it, and as the old doctor watched from the safety of the doorway, Shadow moved closer to his mate, "Baby girl, open your eyes, sweetheart, come on now." Tenderly the Alpha pushed Isabella's scarlet locks away from her face, his massive muscular structure incredibly gentle as he fussed over his beloved. David felt like a proud father at that moment.
Young Shadow's love for his mate reminded him of his friend Tarakona's love for Abigail. The bond between an Alpha and his fated mate was one of the most vital things to witness in the shifter world, so much so that Tarakona slowly went mad after she was murdered. David never saw any reason to tell his friend the pup that died with Abigail wasn't his.
That secret was one that David would take to the grave.

Isabella was slowly waking up now, looking deeply into the eyes of her soulmate, and she smiled as if the sun rose and set with the man in front of her, "I love you." She whispered, kissing him gently, and David quietly closed the door.

4. Ethan.
Ethan was already dressed and preparing breakfast when Mikhail let himself inside. They had formed an agreement of sorts on who did what around the house they shared, and Ethan was in charge of meals. Mikhail just wished the man would stop looking at him with those wounded brown eyes every time they crossed paths in the home, though; it made the situation more uncomfortable than it already was. Elena and Ethan had marked each other instantly when Ethan was in the hospital during The Howling, and they marked him shortly after as he lay at death's door, but Mikhail couldn't bring himself to mark his mates back. So the bond was incomplete. Technically he didn't have to do it until he turned eighteen in a few weeks, then he could change into his wolf at will, and his magic should be in control, but Ethan and Elena knew Mikhail was struggling with it. It had caused an uneasy barrier between the three Alphas, and now he just tried to avoid them as much as possible.
Ethan tried not to stare at his mate, but it was hard. He scrambled the eggs, flipped the pancakes, and turned the bacon dutifully, like a good little house bitch while Mikhail stalked past, trying to ignore him.
Six months and they were no closer. Because he and Elena had both marked each other, the bond was strong between the two, and over time Ethan realized that he was attracted to both men and women, allowing the two of them to enjoy a satisfying sex life. But it wasn't enough, and they both yearned for Mikhail to join in with them, complete the union, and provide the wow factor that tri mates experienced.

"Mikhail?" Ethan begged softly, "Don't shut us out. Please, we need you." Mikhail glared at him, "Where's Elena?" He demanded rudely as if Ethan hadn't spoken, and they stared at each other in silence. The phone ringing in the hall broke the stalemate as Mikhail muttered, "I'll get it." before he stomped down the hall.
Elena's small arms wrapped around Ethan from behind, and he leaned back, savoring her warmth as she murmured, "Just give him some time, love." Trying to convince herself as well.

Humans were such filthy creatures. Day in day out, they polluted the earth, fornicating like pigs and breeding insignificant little piglets that would one day grow up to fornicate and produce the next lot of pigs. On and on it went, the faces may change, but the faults were still the same. Horrible rodent blood sacks ruling the lands that were rightfully his.
The door to his throne room opened, and the foul stench of a dog announced the intruder long before he was seen, "What is it you want, Santos?" Magnus asked, breathing out of his mouth and pinching his nose in disgust at the vile creature.
"The hoard grows restless, King Magnus, they want to know when we bring the war to Howling warriors, the men want their land back."
Santos Romano was careful not to look the King of the Vampyres directly in the eyes as he spoke.

Magnus Emmett was three thousand years old. He didn't look a day over twenty. Santos had come across him and his ancient race of Vampyres by accident, recruiting allies before his challenge rite, and Magnus had woken from a very long nap. After a few hiccups, they came to an accord. Which is the only reason Santos Romano was still breathing. True to his word, the Vampyre king rescued him when his challenge went awry, and in return, Santos spent the last four weeks traveling the globe recruiting rogues, all willing to attack Howling warriors. The deal was simple, kill the wolves, sparing only Santos daughters, and in return, the Vampyres get the land-minus a modest amount to house the rogues and allow Santos to form a new pack under his rule. All Magnus had to do was give the order, and the hoard would unleash fury upon the traitorous pack.
Magnus continued breathing through his mouth, raising his other hand to silence the dog." If it were that simple, Santos, we would have attacked days ago. We need to attack them at their weakest, and to do that; we need an inside spy. Send a scout to each of the Howling warriors' borders, tell them to be stealthy. If anyone comes or goes from that village, I want to know about it. When there is an opening, I will see it, and victory will be ours..." Magnus's black eyes burned with the fires of the ancient, his handsome face mutating into his proper form as he smiled evilly 'soon, vengeance will be mine!'

She was here. Even if a scribe hadn't come to his room, Valenar would know. Raeann was his mate, after all. The imperial prince looked at his reflection in the mirror, his lean face had healed as much as it would, but a jagged scar still announced itself from the tip of his reptilian eyes to the fullness of his lips, a permanent reminder of what had happened to him. If it hadn't been for Raeann and the bevy of talent at the Academy, Valenar knew he wouldn't be here right now, and this fact humbled the last remaining warlock prince. Glancing down, he saw the ever-present glow of the shackles that held him hostage. There was only one key, and he was sure Santos had it. This meant that until they figured out a way to get it back, Valenar was stuck without magic. At least the high priestess was able to heal his mouth, giving him back the use of his voice, and today Raeann had come to visit, look for the ups and don't dwell on the downs, he repeated like a mantra in his mind, and then when he had collected himself, Valenar went down to meet his mate.

Blood curse.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن