Author's Note

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I found it very interesting when, during my deep dive into "ZooPhobia" lore, I discovered that both Addison and Zillion had sisters who were later scrapped from the canonical storyline. It wasn't my immediate intention to incorporate the connection into the "Safe Haven Saga", but when the opportunity came—i.e. this story—I jumped on it without hesitation. There was this strange sense of inevitability that Alexis and Veronika would eventually cross paths—and when they did, it would be explosive.

This story also gave me the chance to bring some of my favourite characters back into the spotlight, and to bring them together. It's gonna be a fun one, no doubt about that. So what're you waiting for? Dive right in!

Who you got: Alexis or Veronika? Will the superpowered Chimeros of Arthrogonia prove too hot to handle, or will the animalistic descendant of the Old Ones reign supreme? It's time for this rivalry of sisterhood to begin...

20. P O W E R : SisterhoodWhere stories live. Discover now