Chapter 36 - The Escape Plan

Depuis le début

"I'm sorry Dad neglected you and your child." Vanessa sympathized with him.

Minutes passed Pamela appeared with a year old baby girl in her arms. She has blonde hair, green eyes like Pamela and resembles Garret.

"Pamela, how many times I told you not to keep her away from anyone!! Why do you have to bring her here? Are you really stupid?" He insulted her.

"I'm sorry but I need to go to town and buy her needs." She is shaking in fear.

"YOU USELSESS BITCH!!" He hits her.

Even though I hate her she doesn't deserve to be hit or be insulted. He was carrying the baby while keep on kicking Pamela.


"YOU STAY OUT OF IT!!" Garret roared.

"We will not tell a single soul about your child just stop hitting her. We will not tell a single soul about your child just stop hitting her. Look you are making the kid cry and probably scared from her own father? Do you want that?" Vanessa coaxed.


He hands his daughter back to Pamela and left fuming. We stayed on our spot and just watching Pamela stood on the ground.

"Thank you." Pamela spoke while clutching the child.

"I only did what was right. I'm also a mother and I understand you are Garret's mate. You obeyed him even if it's wrong and endure all these pain. I'm sorry for the way he is treating you." Vanessa gave her sympathy.

"If it wasn't for you I'll probably be bruises or worse unconscious for a week. After all I did you to you and Sophia you didn't think twice in saving me." She suddenly unclasped our chains.

"What are you doing? I mean why did you untie us?" I stared in disbelief.

"I am just returning the favour." She rocked the baby.

"Does Garret often hurt you?" Vanessa watched her.

"Yes especially when I don't follow him or our baby cries..." Pamela started her confessions.

We listened attentively and I can't help but pity her. All throughout her story she revealed everything from the potion they used to smell like werewolves, the spell to their daughter's rapid growth in Garret's command and the planned attacked to both Kingdoms. The last information made me surprised Garret was behind those strange letters. It all made sense because I got it the first day he was introduced to me.

"I tried to convince Garret to postpone the attack until I gave birth but he got mad. That was the first time he hit and yelled at me." She continued to sob.

"I still don't get my connection with this whole fiasco. Considering the fact I'm Vanessa's friend why did you seduce my mate?" I analysed.

"I cooperate with Garret's revenge because you were his first girlfriend intimately and I was jealous even mad. I found out he was my mate when I caught him putting notes on your locker. I knew he felt my presence but he didn't come to find me. Weeks passed he finally accepted me because you dumped him he suggested we create a plan to make you pay. The day I came to you at the filed I casted a bond spell to make him think I am his mate. The potions on his food every time we meet behind your back helped a lot." She lowered her head.

I was very angry but I realized her reason was her love for Garret while he lied straight to her face. He made her believe we had relationship which is definitely not true.

"Garret is not my boyfriend Pamela in fact I didn't like him that way when he confessed his feelings to me." I stated.

"Both our mates didn't mate with anybody Pamela. Because we will know it even prior or after we meet them." Vanessa informed her.

"Garret... lied to me." She started to cry again.

"Yes he did Pamela." Vanessa comforts her.

"Oh God!! I am very sorry. I am so sorry for everything I did." Pamela pleads.

"We understand you are just blinded by your bond and love with him." Vanessa soothes her.

"Now it's all clear can you help us escape?" I hope she can.

"I promise to help you escaped here." Pamela vowed.

"But how? We are weak and can't mindlinked both our mates because of the wolfsbane." I brought up the main subject.

"I am the one giving it so I have full access on it. All you have to do is pretend getting weak while I convinced Garret I'm inserting wolfsbane in your body. On the process you will contact your mates and tell them there is one tunnel to the south by the river. In few hours you can use your mindlink and used your energy on communicating with them. We need to do it soon because I know any day both of you could give birth." Pamela instructed us brilliantly.

"Thank you Pamela and I forgive you for everything you did to us and to Damien." I really do.

"Let's forget that for now you need to regain your weak health. I will bring you food and water since you have been dehydrated long enough." She stood up.

We let her put the chain back in case Garret comes in and minutes later she came back with her promise. After eating we finally sense our mindlink is working. I instantly contact Damien and same with Vanessa with her mate. Oh God! I wish we can be rescued before our baby comes out.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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