Chapter 19

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"I am not gullible." Rinne replied simply, face dropping so much that the smile a minute ago were nowhere to be seen, "And I would to choose to believe that he's dead. He's dead, Night. Whatever you saw, whatever you are believing now, I would ask you to drop that."

"Then I wish that you could open your mind— the truth is right in front of you." Night said.

"Even if you provide prove to me, to have him stand right in front of me, he would be still be dead to me." Rinne said, "If you ever saw him again, please help me to splat this message right into his face."

"As you wish, madam." Night said and shrugged his shoulders.

"And you should know that you are the closest thing to him, Night." Rinne said, "we were always told that there would be a third immortal here aside from the two we have now. And look at Cade, he had brown eyes. Brown. Eyes. Go meet him if you haven't. He's nicer than anyone you'll ever know. And definitely better than the red eyed freak that you still believed to be alive."

Night wanted to laugh. Rinne was obliviously lying to herself— he betted even she herself would know that she was lying. The book— The Record of Immortals- did state that there was a third immortal around when The Only died. And he was fine with believing this although the entire book from the top to the bottom was crap which demonizes both of the two in general.

But instead, Night sighed.

"You are probably right. To be frank, I do believe that the third immortal may be referring to Cade. But who knows? And I have seen Cade a few times in this decade." Night said, "but that still doesn't stop the fact of The Only being dead being wrong in. He's alive, Rinne. No matter if you believe it or not."

"If you haven't heard— fine!" Rinne yelled. The sun was rising, and Night could see Rinne better now. There were slight hints of red and slight hint of tears in her eyes, he was sure.

"Want some tea?" Night offered and stuffed both of his hands into his small pockets, "Thinking that maybe you lost quite a lot of stuff in the burn. It was a bit brutal, even for me, when I have burnt more houses than what you could have ever lived in."

"Its not funny, Night." Rinne sighed, "And there's nothing to boast about arson."

"You're just like him." Night whispered, "Old people are all the same."

"I heard that." Rinne said. "Being about half a century older isn't that much, look at yourself."

"Yeah yeah." Night said, "I would really be thinking that the two of you had a private conversation about lecturing me. Burning is fun, Rinne."

"Its not. You're building your happiness on other's sadness, if that's what you liked." Rinne said.

Oh god, Rinne, you sound even older than him! Night thought. "Anyways. The cookies at the coffee shop two streets away from here is the best. It could absolutely shut your mouth up on telling me the '101 reasons why I should not set your house on fire'."

"Gracious god. You're hopeless." Rinne breathed, "How did he raise you up in the first place??"

"You asked me not to talk about him," Night teased, smiling widely and cheerily, "So now I am going to keep quiet like a good child."

It was five in the morning. The both of them were secretly glad that the coffee shop was open this early in the day and they could kill half of the morning on drinks and cookies, and talk about Rinne's plan and routine for the near future.

Which she did not have any idea for now. Rinne could absolutely not go back to her old sweet home in Oxford; there would definitely be someone from The Association watching and poaching for her. It had been agreed between the two of them.

Rinne slipped on her matcha and laid back on the comfortable armchair they had, while Night spent a great deal of time calling and texting with all of those people on his phone before having his attention back to her.

"You can probably go to my place if you want." Night said, "though I wouldn't really recommend it. It was his idea. He made me offer it to you but I won't prefer you wandering around and cleaning up a room for you to stay in for god-knows-how-long."

"Okay then. I am deeply sorry to turn down your offer." Rinne teased, "Thinking if going for a vacation in Asia would be a good plan. They had different stuff. Different stuff from here, at least."

"Sounds good to me." Night said, slipping from his black coffee, "Just make sure that you don't get yourself into any problem so I'll have to care for you again—and its further away this time."

"I won't. You're the child here, not here." Rinne laughed as she popped another lemon cookie into her mouth, "Just thinking what I should do."

"Oh, and yes." Night said, "He told me to leave you some cash so that you can get somewhere to stay in for the next few weeks. They know about your planned routine now. So its better to start a new life."

"Thats a lot, really." Rinne said, hesitating before taking the stack of euros on his hand. She guessed it was roughly about 3000 euros. "His money or yours?"

"Oh. Its mine. He doesn't have that much with him." Night replied simply.

"You're doing everything he says." Rinne sighed, "I've heard quite a lot rumors about the two of you. Guess there's a reason behind, am I right?"

The both of them laughed. "Guess my job here with you here is done." Night said, "Try and be careful, hopefully we don't have to see again soon."

"Hey—" Rinne wanted to ask him about how to leave here, or where she was.

But before she could, Night was already at the door. And with another moment, he was completely gone.

Nine: okay. PEOPLE. Y O U. On a scale of 1-10 of QUIETNESS you're LITERALLY like- **11.
I love ya'll. :DDDDD ❤️

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