Chapter two: Falling down

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Izuku had been walking for what seemed to be an eternity. He ran into many infected on the way and killed them. But he couldn't help but notice something strange. Anytime he would receive an injury, the next thing he killed the chunks of their body would go to Izuku.

He didn't know how to describe it. It's as if they became a part of him. There was only one word that came to him. "Consume." And that was exactly what he was doing. He was consuming them.

His thoughts were stopped when he saw U.A in the distance. Looking down at himself he saw his clothes are ruined. Strangely enough, his red shoes were still in good condition.

"I need some clothes." He said to himself. And just then, a red glow was being emitted from his chest to his legs as what little clothes he had left started to morph into new ones.

He was now wearing a black hoodie with a red interior, a dark olive jacket with a protruding collar, black fingerless gloves, a brown leather belt, and dark blue jeans. He decided not to question it and made his way to U.A.

Meanwhile, in the classroom of 1-A. We find a room full of heroes in training wearing their costumes. They all look exhausted, most likely from working non-stop. A teacher who looks like a hobo walks in.

"Sorry for taking long." He said getting the attention of the students. "Today is going to be an easy day. All you have to do is patrol the vicinity and check on the citizens on the campus." He said looking at his students.

They shared a glum look on their faces. "Look, like I said the other day, I know all of you have only been here a week. And if you want to leave go ahead. But this is the real world. Disasters happen when you least expect them. We need all the help we can get but you're still kids. We're not going to force you to go out there if you don't want to. Class dismissed." He said leaving the class.

The students were just looking at the door. "Everyone! Don't despair for we are class 1-A! And in this time of need, we will do everything in our power to help everyone!" A tall boy with blue hair and glasses said, hoping to cheer up his classmates. "Shut it sonic rip off! They expect me to give up but I won't!" A boy with red eyes and ash blond hair said getting up from his seat and walking out.

"Wait for me Bakubro!" A boy with red hair and shark teeth shouted as he followed him. The rest of the class sat in silence. "We should go. Every minute counts." A girl with a ponytail said getting up from her seat.

Everyone else agreed and got up from their seats as well. Except for a certain all-pink girl. She was staring into nothing while thinking of the green boy she meet the other day.

'I wonder if he's alright. He should have been here by now.' She thought to herself. "Hey Ashido, you coming?" A brunette girl asked. "oh, just thinking of boys." She said not trying to worry her friend.

"Are you going out there again?" Her friend asked. "O-of course! Aren't you?" Ashido asked. The girl thought about it. "No. I-I didn't sign up for this. I wanted to help my parents but what good is that if I die." She said.

"She right!" A boy with tape on his elbows said. "How do we fight a virus?" He asked. "Plus the people who are infected are like zombies or something. I thought the point of being a hero was to be cool, how are we going to be cool if we're dead?!" A boy with purple balls on his head said.

"Mineta if you truly think that's what it is to be a hero then maybe you should leave." A frog-like girl stated. "Well if you want to die then go ahead! Mr. Aizawa said we didn't have to go if we didn't want to, so I'm going back to the dorms." Mineta said as a few students followed him out of the class.

With the ray of hope slowly leaving, the rest of the students tried to put on a smile and walk out of the classroom hoping things would get better in the future.

Meanwhile, in front of U.A's entrance, we see Izuku as arrived. He sees some kind of machine at the entrance. It appeared to be some kind of communicator. It was stationed by the entrance, it had two arm-like attachments on top of it while they rotated slowly.

Izuku didn't think much and walked to the entrance. As he was walking he looked around and saw civilians all around. There were cops and a few heroes around as well. They were wearing a face mask and had a look of desperation in their eyes.

'Even the heroes look scared shitless.' Izuku thought while walking through the gates. But once he did the machine started to beeping loudly causing everyone to hear and enter a state of panic.

"He's infected!" A citizen yelled. "He's going to get us killed!" Another one shouted. The cops nearby surrounded him with their guns pointed at him. "Turn around and leave!" A cop yelled. "I blow your f#cking head off!"

Izuku didn't even look fazed, if anything he was annoyed. "F#ck of-" Izuku was stopped mid-sentence as the cops opened fire on him. The citizens nearby ran away at the sound of gunfire.

Izuku fell to the ground with bullet holes all over his body. "Target down!" A cop yelled to his walkie. "What are you doing!" A pink girl yelled from the distance. She ran as fast as she could to get to Izuku.

"Stay back! He's infected!" The cop told her. She didn't listen. Ashido ran to Izuku. Once she was in front of him she saw he was covered in gunshot wounds. "He said stay back!" A cop yelled pushing Ashido to the ground.

"Stop!" A male voice yelled. It was the teacher of class 1-A. Mr. Aizawa. "Did you kill that kid?!" He asked while helping Ashido up. "He was infected and was not cooperating." The cop told him.

Aizawa was beyond angry. "That machine is a prototype! It detects any illness! That's why to be safe only a few civilians can come in!" He told them angrily.

"It doesn't matter, what's done is done! Everything has gone to sh#t! What does it matter if one more person dies?" The cop told him. Aizawa and Ashido's eyes opened in surprise, but not by what he said.

"It doesn't." A voice came from behind the cop as a fist came out of his chest. He looks back and sees Izuku was standing with his arm through his spine. The four tendrils came out of Izuku and into the man.

The man then exploded into small chunks and went to Izuku as he consumed him. He was able to see into his memories, he was a crooked cop who was bitter about not becoming a hero. He took out his anger on small-time offenders, abusing his power.

Coming back to reality, Izuku looked up at the other cops. They were understandably terrified. "F#ck off." Izuku told them as they ran as fast as they could.

Izuku looked straight and saw Aziawa getting his capture gear ready. "What are you?" Aizawa asked. Izuku pondered the question himself until he reached an answer that made the most sense to him.

"I'm infected."

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