~01~ meeting under sakura tree

Start from the beginning

Kylan :" hey Athella don't pass out. Okay so I must take care of it."

Through the mist I was hearing Kylan who was talking, then I went into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I found myself in a crib. Around me were located some kind of weird pole. It looked like it created a barrier around me.

Kylan:" Did you wake up?"


'Kylan, what happened to my old clothes? I remember that i had white silk on me before and now i have dark blue silk'

Kylan:" when you passed out in this tornado some branches ripped your clothes. Thank god that you don't injure yourself and then I take you there.Also your mana still keep flooding around you so within these 3 days I was making enough durable barriers so you wouldn't use your magic accidentally. "

'What?!? My mana is flooding??"

Kylan:"Mhm, to this extent you can accidentally use some spells like tornado before"

'I'm that dangerous. and you told me before that you were making this pole for 3 days... soo i was sleeping so long?'
i asked him questionable voice in my mind

Kylan: "At first I thought that you died but it doesn't make any sense and when I ended this you woke up."

'Actually when I passed out I also was thinking that I'm going to die....Anyway where I am.'

Kylan: " You're in my tower where I do my experiments but don't worry I will not use you as a lab rat. And also I want to ask you Athella , you got this ring from Diana?"

When Kylan was talking to me he got closer and he waved the necklace with ring before my face

'First yes i got this from mom and second give me this back'
i said angrily in my mind when something started to broking

Kylan:" CALM DOWN!!! I will give it to you"

When I cooled down Kylan handed my necklace back to me and we returned to our talks.I think even if I didn't know Diana very well I still feel my bond with her. Maybe it was because she's my mother in this life but i don't know. Also maybe because she was one of my favorite characters in wmmap.

Kylan: "You know you're sometimes like Diana when you are angry but still more like Claude but..."

When I heard that name I clenched my little hands. I think Kylan saw that so he stopped talking about Claude.

Kylan: "Cough...okay so Athella I want to ask you. What do you think about being my disciple also if you want I can adopt you but not at this moment because your power is much more than destructive and it will be dangerous not only to you but also to another human being."

'I also know that. This power is dangerous. There are two options about which I think at the moment ,first don't use it but this is impossible and second learn how to use this power."

I said with sadness in my mind

'So okay I will become your disciple Master'

I think with confidence

Kylan:"You mustn't call me master, Athella. you can call me Kylan or ....hmmm maybe uncle if you want of course. I don't want to force you also Athella what do you think about adoption?"

'I think it's too early. What about adoption when I learn how to control my magic?"

I said excitedly. I'm sad because my mom died not long ago but I can't do anything about it. life goes on and i can't stop in the place i think i will protect athanasia even though she will deal with it without me. She can always count on me.

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