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This isn't how Taehyung originally spent his free time.

Normally he would go on long drives to nowhere to clear his mind off, most nights he drinks alone in his penthouse just to have that buzz, and when he's feeling generous, he might drop by the Kim mansion every now and then to spend quality time's complete opposite definition with his beloved step mother.

But for some odd reason, he finds himself entering the doors of Axis and booking the same VIP room and requesting the same person multiple nights in a row. To be fair, he did have a lot of unanswered questions waiting to be filled in so he thinks that maybe if he tried to get under your skin he'd finally find the answers to the questions that ate him up over the years.

For the longest time, he always chewed on one question: Am I not good enough? Part of him knows that wasn't completely true. However, the other half of him thinks it might be the reason why everyone he has ever loved always seemed to find their way out in every heartbreaking way possible. He's already nearing his 30s but the little boy inside of him hasn't healed yet.

"It's time to be kinder to yourself. You owe yourself an apology for being too hard and the closure you rightfully deserve," his therapist would advise.

The statement itself was true but he also knows for a fact that not everyone feels remorse for hurting. They will understand the magnitude of hurt that they've caused and bending over backwards can only do so much. More so, he may have caused hurt towards others too without meaning it be he'll never know.

The week before he stopped visiting your workplace, you had a heated argument with him about regularly booking you. Back then, you found it absurd how some of your co-workers had a specific place in the club that they disliked. But now, you finally understand why when you've been sitting across Taehyung every single night.

If this was a prank with hidden cameras rolling somewhere, you wanted to cut it but there's none. It's only him, you, and the drinks you've been pouring on his glass until you've had enough of playing whatever game he started.

"Why?" You frustratedly ran your hand through the locks of your long red hair, "Why do you keep coming back just to ask me all these questions!?" Your eyes hooded with anger as you wait for a response.

"I don't know, you tell me. You're the one who stepped foot in my office," he lifts a brow as he casually leans on the wall.

"That's it?" You scoffed, "Not everything is about you, Taehyung."

"I know full well of that fact but you owe me a proper explanation," His eyes narrowed down on you, "What exactly did I do that made you leave and why are you coming back?"

"I don't owe anyone shit and that includes you. I'd rather you stop bothering me while I'm at work or better yet, do what you do best and help people get out of jail," you retorted through gritted teeth.

"Like I'm not doing it already," he scoffs. "It's not like seeing me is a bad thing, Y/N"

"Well it is! Specially when you're tied to the saddest parts of my life!"

You noticed how his demeanor changed and how his silence could deafen a whole room. His face is stoic, with no emotion painted on it, and simply walks away leaving you alone in the hallway with nothing but regret over the things you just said.

After that night, you contemplated deeply as you lay awake in bed, 'Maybe I was a bit too harsh?'

For the first time in months, there was no sight of him coming to Axis. Usually, you're booked every night for VIP Room 7. For the past 2 weeks, all you've been doing was serve tables and help with the clean up before the place closes. You wanted to apologize but you knew a simple sorry can never fix the wounds your words have cut. Sometimes, apologies are like salting an open wound.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin