Chapter 3 - 43 BBY - The Jedi High Council

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          After a short ride in the turbo elevator it arrived at the highest floor of the tower, the doors opening with a soft mechanical swish. He stepped out of the elevator, through the circular hall, and into the large circular room. Twelve chairs with built-in holographic projectors sat around the circle, with only three of them being filled, the rest sitting empty.

          The three seats that were filled held some of the most well-respected and highest members of the council. In one seat sat the wisest and oldest of the Jedi, Grand Master Yoda. The other two chairs were filled with Masters Sifo-Dyas and Master Yaddle. Sifo-Dyas was a stern and strong looking human male, with tan skin and deep brown hair, which was pulled back into a tight bun aside from two small curling strips that framed his face.

          Master Yoda and Master Yaddle shared many similar characteristics, both had green wrinkled skin, and both sat up in their chairs, feet dangling over the edge as their short statures prevented them from reaching the ground. The key difference could be seen in the age of their faces, with Yaddle being obviously much younger than Yoda. Her hair still held brown color, though its thin appearance was due more to their species than her age. Yoda's hair had long since turned white, and he certainly held the appearance of a frail old creature. Yoda's head raised up to greet Master Mace as he entered the room, with Yaddle and Sifo-Dyas doing the same.

          "Master Windu, Glad to see you I am. Was the mission a success?" Yoda asked in his high croaky voice, his unusual way of speaking something Mace had long gotten used to since training under him. His eyes moved from Mace's eyes to the bundle wrapped within his arms. "Ah, Something interesting you have brought back from your mission, hmm?"

          "Its good to see you too Master Yoda. Unfortunately the mission was mostly a failure. The pirates got away along with the weapon. We ran into some...Complications during the mission." He made sure to hold his composure, despite feeling slight disappointment at the failure of the mission. "The weapon is in the hands of a group of renegades who traveled to the planet Dathomir in hopes of testing it there. We followed them and watched as they took on one of the native villages. We only stepped in once we realized the village would not survive on their own, unfortunately we weren't quick enough with our help. I did manage to save this child before the renegades were able to harm her."

          He adjusted the bundle, uncovering the sleeping babes face so the other masters could get a good look at her. The babes pale skin seemed even paler in the now brighter lights of the meeting room, making her look more like a white porcelain doll than a living being. "I had initially taken her to prevent the rouges from returning and possibly harming her. Her village was totally wiped out in the attack anyway, so there was no one to leave her with to care for her."

          Master Yoda eyed the swaddled infant, his odd three fingered hand moving up to cup his chin and gently stroke it. "I see. Quite interesting, the planet Dathomir. Not a place Jedi often travel to. Strong in the dark side of the force, the planet is." The green bumpy skin that made up Yoda's forehead raised slightly on one side, similarly to how a human may raise an eyebrow in interest. "Shown any powers, has she?"

          "Indeed. While on our way back we attempted to feed her with rations. She was less than a fan of the mix and sent the bowl flying from my hand and onto the wall. I sense she could have deeper hidden abilities, and perhaps with being raised here in the temple, any dark side connection she may have will certainly fade." Mace's eyes moved from Yoda to the other two masters, first to Yaddle, who kept the same calm and thoughtful face she always had on. Then he looked to Sifo-Dyas, who's brow was furrowed with thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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