Chapter 1 - 43BBY - A Village in Peril

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                 Planet Dathomir, Quelli Sector, Along the Outer Rim

          Mid-day. The morning had been temperate, the red fog and mist that usually thickened during the early hours beginning to fade slightly as the planet's sun, Domir, had begun to warm its surface. The Nightsisters of clan Killiq made their daily rounds, some gathering food and water while others trained or did one of the many chores around the village. Some of the Sisters that walked around had their bodies marked with intricate tattoos, covering their faces and bodies in many patterns and styles.

          Just as the fog began to thin out enough to allow one to see past the village's edge, a sharp, shocking noise rang out from the surrounding woods. The trees suddenly cried out with roars of angry laughter and the sounds of blaster gun fire. The Sisters of the village had been caught off guard as a large group of burly looking Aliens of seemingly random species, ran out from the dense woods where the fog had yet to dissipate fully from. One carried a large looking blaster on his hip, shooting a nearby tree and causing it to explode in a show of deadly firepower.

          Many of the warriors who stood guard in random vantage points around the village perimeter were the first ones to be taken out, either being caught off guard by a blaster shot, or having their guard building blown up by the powerful new weapon. The Village was a small one, only a few generations old, and thus they did not have many warriors. And worst yet, they had even less Witches.

          As the warriors of the village began fighting to defend it, they would slowly move inward, eventually being driven by the invaders into a circle around the middle of the village. In the village's exact middle point sat a structure that seemed almost out of place compared to the other buildings that surrounded it. Its walls were riddled with strange carvings and markings of all sorts, painted inside with bright green paint to make them stand out against the white stone of the building's outer covering. One of the sisters would break off from the surrounding group, running up to the building and throwing the black fabric that covered its door to the side.

          The inside of the hut was incredibly dark, more so to one who had just come from the light of the outside and into its darkness. The Sister spoke as she waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, her words coming out rushed and exhausted from the fight.

          "Sisters, there are invaders attacking the village. You must flee, and you must do it now before they cut off all exit routes. We don't know what they want, but many of us have been killed. Even your powers may be of no match for them. Please, leave while you can." And without another word the warrior turned and exited the building, letting out a war cry as she went after one of the invaders.

          The beings who had been occupying the building looked at one another through the darkness, seemingly able to see one another in some way. The larger of the two beings, a tall Witch by the name of Yukkal, was the first to stand, her figure turning to the other being before speaking softly.

          "I will go and help the others. You must protect the child. She is the next generation, and we cannot afford to lose her. Get as far from the village as you can, head east towards the Quall clan, they are friendly and will protect you. Go now, hurry." The beings seemed to lock eyes in the darkness, the taller beings' eyes now glowing a soft blue as bright green light began filling the small room. It illuminated everything, showing there were actually 3 beings within the room.

          There were actually two adult Nightsister Witches and a baby inside the room, which the other adult Nightsister now placed in a back carrier before standing. The babe had the same soft white skin as the other two, a small tuft of silver hair resting on her head, and bright green eyes, which looked up at the Younger Witch. The younger Witch made sure the infant was secure on her back before nodding to the apparently elder Witch. They locked eyes one last time, whispering softly; "May the magicks guide and protect you." before the elder Witch turned and exited the building. The younger Witch looked over her shoulder to the baby strapped on her back, its eyes wide with interest at all the sudden commotion.

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