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dream and nightmare ended up just going back to sleep well dream did nightmare pretended to then when he knew dream was asleep he got up and started questioning me. I will remind you this whole time I have not said a word so it felt kinda weird to do it all of a sudden so the entire time I was just looking at nightmare till he started talking. ...so things were going great. hah not! whatever my social anxiety can only make things so weird before it stops so whatever. 

"who are you?" he asked in a whisper. 

I decided on a fitting name in a split second since my previous one would be weird. I also have always wanted to be called midnight soooo.

"my names midnight." I answered shortly. 

"well what are you doing here? why did you come so late and why can't dream see you?" nightmare asked.

I looked at him not knowing how to answer ANY of those questions. so I replied the best I could.

"I don't know. I woke up here and you were the first person I saw." I answered. 

he blinked looking perplexed. 

"ok...then why did you go on my lap earlier?" nightmare questioned. 

ummmm ok yeah how do I answer THAT? uh 'because I wanted to?' no thats stupid! ugh because I wanted to look less threatening? thats the truth but its way to embarrassing ugh why did I do that!? oh sh*t he's looking at me I have to answer. 

"...I wanted to look less threatening." I said like and idiot. why did I say that!? I was rushing so I said the first thing that came to my head but whyyyyy? he probably already thinks I'm crazy. 

he looked at me and laughed not too loudly because dream was sleeping but he laughed like he heard the best joke in the world. 

"I'm s-sorry b-but if you wanted 'haha' to look less threatening you didn't have to d-do that!" he giggled. 

all I could do was stare at him he was absolutely right but I do weird sh*t when I panic ok! its not entirely my fault...ok so its entirely my fault. his continued giggling caused me to tilt my head a little. I was confused I mean laughing for a short while would make sense what I did was ridiculous but I'm starting to get worried. 

"are you ok?" I asked. 

"yeah so midnight um if no one can see you and you have no idea what's going on what are you going to do?" he asked. 

"but not everyone can't see me." I said.

"well yeah I can see you but thats no-" he started but I cut him off.

"so I will just stay with you." I answered.

he looked flabbergasted. absolutely and totally confused. 

"you...want to stay with me?" nightmare said like I was the most confusing puzzle. 

"yes." I answered if it wasn't already clear enough. 

"why?" he continued still very confused. 

"why not?" I retorted. 

"because I'm the guardian of negativity." he said like it was obvious. 

"and I'm your new friend." I said boldly. I thought that would be a good time to tell him I wanted to be friends. 

he stared at me wide eyed. no words nothing. I had to break the silence.

"if you don't want to be friends with me you can tell me, you don't have to worry about hurting my feelings and if you don't want me around thats fine too I can leave." I said.

reincarnated as corrupt nightmareजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें