|103| Who Else

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"What did she say?" Toru ask as he didn't understand what Katrina said. He felt like the words were towards him. They have just dropped him off home. You're wearing a cast for your dominant hand's wrist. And a cast for your injured ankle. 

Toru stayed with you in the hospital except when you had to go take your X-Ray. You had to stay in the hospital for a few hours and it got late. So Katrina is taking Toru home instead of letting him walk home alone. Igor was the first to leave as he has some things to take care of which involved with the investigation of Tyler and Anna as well as her family as there has been some anonymous tip about Anna's father's business.

Igor studied a lot in university, he's currently still studying but he's at the top of his class and in advance. He doesn't lead the investigation but he does help out, answering question and giving in information. He does what he can.

When you both have arrived to his home, he wanted to kiss you goodbye but feels like that maybe he shouldn't as Katrina is there. He never did mind doing it in front of others but when it's your family, he's hesitant. He just wants to be on their good side. He wants them to like him.

Katrina is not related to you by blood but she is family and Toru knows this. 

Toru got out of the car and walks to the passenger seat as you were sitting there. You wanted to sit in the back with Toru but it's easier and more comfortable as the front than in the back and Katrina has to think about you injuries and on you healing.

You press a button to put the window down and Toru says his goodbye. He wanted to kiss you but held it back. Katrina makes a comment about it in Russian which he didn't understand but felt like the words were meant for you him.

You knew about how he wants to kiss you but too hesitant to do it in front of Katrina as he doesn't want to do anything that would make her not like him.

You giggle, "She said just kiss me," you translate as you take your none injured hand out and reach for his neck. You gently grab the side of it and pull him towards you. He moves down and you connect your lips with his. 

Toru kisses you back and then you both pull away. He smiles, "Will you be able to perform?" he ask as he remember you telling him about the band's performance for the competition. He doesn't know the song as you wanted to keep it a surprise but you did tell him you were going to play the violin and Toru heard your aunt nag at you how you need to have the cast on your wrist for at least two week.

She wasn't your doctor as she had another patient but when she was done with that patient she went to go check on you and checked your charts to see what problem you got yourself into.

"Oh yeah," you say with a nod, "I'm performing in three days. My wrist will heal by then, trust me," you assure with a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" he ask with a gentle smile as he place his hand on the side of your face, gently caressing your cheek.

"You'll take care of me?" you ask with a smile and Toru nod with a smile.

"Alway," he answers as he leans in and place a kiss on your lips. When he pulls back, you smile with love in your eyes. 

You and Toru say good bye and then Katrina drives off after saying goodbye to Toru. She teases you about you and Toru and says how she likes him and finds him really attractive. You just giggle and smile.

But as Katrina drives you back home, you look at the window and felt like crying because you already know what the future has planned for you so you want to enjoy yourself as much as you can right now. You want to get as many good memories as you can so that it can keep you sane during your difficult moments.

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