|46| I Love Her

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"(Name), let go," a guy with dirty blond hair, green eyes like a cat says as you were holding him wrist. You were both on a roof, well you were and he was off it. You holding his wrist is the only thing keeping him from falling to his death. Half of your body is over the roof cement railing. The only thing keeping you from falling off the roof with him is that you have your feet under a pipe that's connected to the ground.

The cement felt like it was going to cut through your stomach as the pressure from the weight of the guy and you holding yourself by the pipe with your foot. Your arms felt like they were going to get ripped out of your body. Honestly, it felt like your whole body was going to get ripped apart.

It hurts.

You looked at him with tears in your eyes. With a head that's bleeding, a black eye, a red cheek, a bruised lip, a ripped shirt, bloody elbows that were scratched by the cement railing and your knees badly scraped by the cement as well.

"I got you," you tell him as you look at him and force a smile, making it look like everything is okay or it's going to be okay but you couldn't look at him forever as it takes strength from the neck so you went back to looking at the cement but you shut your eyes tightly because everything just hurt.

"Let go, (Name). This fall won't kill me. I'll be fine," he tells you softly as he wanted you to let go but you just scream in pain as you felt a sharp pain on your stomach. The cement is slowly cutting into you and your ankle is already in so much pain and being the only thing that's keeping you from falling is just hurting yourself more than it should.

Your nail and fingers are in pain as you were digging your nail into his wrist. You were making sure you were keeping a very tight crimp on him. You weren't going to let him fall nor yourself. You tried pulling him up but you couldn't. You didn't have the strength to do it. You weren't crazy strong. You only had strength to hold him long enough until help gets here.

You look at him and force a smile. You just smiled through the pain, "Everything will be okay--" you stop yourself when you heard a whistle from behind you which widen your eyes and a light touch on your back that moved down to your ass.

"Let's see how long you can keep hold of him, shall we?" a man who you can't see but know too well because of the sound of his voice says. Your eyes widen in fear and so did the guy who you were holding.

Your eyes open as you start to hyperventilate. You were laying in bed and you sit up as you try to ease your breathing. Just a dream... you tell yourself as you reach for your water bottle that's on the nightstand.

You got out of your bed and went to turn on your bedroom light. Your eyes adjusted to the light and then you made your way to the bathroom where you splash some water on your face. You dry up and look at yourself in the mirror.

You let out a sigh, He's never going to leave me alone is he? you ask yourself as you let out a chuckle, "Guess I'm not sleeping tonight," you tell yourself as you make your way back to your bedroom. You walk to your phone and check the time to see that it was 3:53 am.

You let out another sigh. You made sure your bedroom door was close and then you walk to your closet which was very clean and organized as you barely ever use it. All that's in there are hanged dressed that you have worn when you were young or your mother got for you but never worn except for special event but even during those days, you worn something nice that wasn't a dress.

Jackets were also in the closet as well as some shoes. There's a shelf of books and mangas in the corner which are all organized. But in the corner of the closet, cover by a very large winter jacket and leather jacket are hidden painting. 

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