|34| That's Your Mom?

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"Find someone else," Yatomi tells Anna as he hands her back her phone, "Come on guys," Yatomi says to his friends as he wanted to leave, to get away from Anna.

"What?" Anna says in disbelieve. 

Yatomi turns back around to look at his cousin, "The bitch got me suspended twice. Twice! I touch her or her fucking sister or basically anyone she knows, I'm expelled!" Yatomi yells at his cousin because Anna came to him with a photo of you asking him to just teach you a lesson.

"I just need you to scare her or some shit. I don't care, traumatize her for all I care," Anna says as she cross her arm.

"I would love nothing more than that, Cuz. But you need to understand that the bitch is a snitch. I touch her in any way, she's taking me into court because she's not one to keep her mouth shut. And with my records, I will go straight to prison. She clearly doesn't give a single fuck who my father is," Yatomi tells her and Anna opens her mouth to say something but Yatomi pushes her shoulder, "This whole thing sounds like a you problem so you take care of it. After all, you are daddy's little princess," he says and then walks past her.

His friends following him. Anna bits her nails angrily as things aren't going her way anymore.

I need to get rid of her as quickly as possible... Anna tells herself.




"H-How--" Oikawa ask as you beat him at another arcade game.

"This reminds of that time you got me that alien plushy," you tell him with a giggle as you put away the toy gun, "You weren't going to give up on it," you add.

"I just wanted to impress you," Oikawa confesses which made you laugh, "Any way, you hungry?" Oikawa ask.

"I could eat," you say with a shrug while wondering what you want to eat as you and Oikawa head to the food court but as you were both walking, you notice how some girls were looking at Oikawa and whispering at each other.

They were giggling and look at him. Some even pushing their friend as if they were telling her to talk to him. You look at Oikawa to see him looking around as he was also deciding what to eat. He didn't seem to notice the girls looking at him.

Maybe he's used to it.

You take hold of his hand and lean on his shoulder. It got his attention, "Everything okay?" he ask.

"Why do you have to be handsome? Couldn't you have been born with a weird nose or something?" you ask which confused him and made him laugh a little.

"I admit I'm handsome but..." Oikawa notices the girls and now understands why you said that. He chuckles and places his hand under your chin so that you'll look at him, "Now, I need to be handsome to scare away any man that would want to get with you," he tells you which made you raise an eye brow, "I mean, one look at me and they know they don't stand a chance," he says which made you laugh.

"I'm hungry for a burger, what are you going to get?" you ask him with a smile as you feel better.

"I'll also get a burger," he says as he leans down and place a gentle peck on your lips. Oikawa looks at the girls that were staring at him and the he shows them your hand that's holding yours to let them know that he's taken.

When you see this, you cover your face with your free hand out of embrassement and shyness. You and Oikawa then go to order your food. When they announced the priced, you grab your bag to take out the money to pay but Oikawa has already payed for it.

"You know, you don't have to pay for everything," you tell him as you put your money away and wait on the side for your foods.

"I know but let me spoil you from time to time," he says which made you giggle as you found him cute at how he's pouting for pointing out that he's paying for everything.

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