Ch.10 Carrot

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I look around a see Dream as he blows the horn signaling for his men to retreat,

I know how this ends

I run over to Techno Phil and Wilbur clutching my side, blood spilling over my fingers as I try to stop the bleeding.

I have to warn them

I have to get them out of here

"WE NEED TO RUN" I scream to them once I was in yelling distance from them but it was too late.

I hear an explosion and a huge blast throughs me back and off my feet, into the air.

But then everything seems to go in slow motion.

I turn my head and see Techno as he flys through the air and collides with a huge rock. I wince at the view and turn away before I can see the rest but as I turn I see Wilbur crashing to the ground and I can hear bones breaking. I close my eyes, still floating in the air, I don't wanna see what happened to anyone else.

The slow motion is over and I quickly fall to the ground but no physical pain follows.


I am laying on the ground to tired to get but I just lay there looking up.

They are dead because of me, it's all my fault, he wanted me and now they are all dead, not just my family but all the other warriors that were fighting must have also been hit with the blast.....

It's all my fault...


I gasp awake and stare at the ceiling for a second to try to slow my breathing back to normal.

"Shit" I say as I run my hands over my face.

"You ok?" I quickly look over to the doorway and see Sage who has a bowl in her hands.

"How long have you been there?" I ask wanting to know how bad off my senses are at the moment.

"A few seconds" she said still standing as still as a rock.

"But are you ok?" She asked taking a few steps in my direction.

I sit up and groan slightly due to the pain.

"Peachy" I say with a sarcastic smile.

"I brought you some soup" she says sheepishly

"How long have I been out?" I ask

"Umm...about 9 hours" she says calmly

"Well damn" I say

She walks over and hands me the bowl of soup and a spoon.

"Thank y-" I get cut off by an animal hopping on the bed. It is small and has a tail, I have to say it is very cute, it has bright green eyes and is covered with pitch black fur.

"Oh that's just carrot" she says and she pulls a chair next to the bed and grab the animal and places it on her lap.

"That is not a carrot.." I say still confused as to what it is.

"What is it?" I ask sticking out a finger and lightly poke it.

"'s a you not know what a cat is?!" She says as if everyone in the world knows what a 'cat' is.

"We don't have these creatures back at L'manburg." I say as she lifts the creature and sets it gently next to me.

"I can't believe that you have never had a pancake OR seen a cat" she says astonished

I start to eat the soup as she talks about her school day.

"-and ya so I have like a group of friends I hang around mostly, Ren, Tommy, and Zara. They are all pretty cool-" she rambled on but I just tuned her out, I have bigger things to think about.

I finish the soup and pet the cat, I have to say, the creature is comforting for some odd reason.

I need to get my strength back,

I need to avenge Phil's, Wilbur's, and Techno's deaths,

I need to help the people of L'manberg get out of Dream's grubby telatuby hands,

I need revenge,

"Uhhh, Lani?"

"Hmm?" I responded, her words knocking me out of my thought coma.

"Oh I just asked if you're done with your soup, I can take the bowl if you're done." She says

"Oh yes thank you." I say handing her the empty bowl of soup.

As she walks out of the room I lift my shirt to look at my stab wound. It is healing nicely and doesn't hurt as bad as it did yesterday. My wings still hurt like a bitch on a stick but as long as I keep them mostly relaxed against my back they don't hurt too bad. The burns on my hands are getting my better and are still wrapped up around my palm to my forearms. I deem it healed enough as I throw off the covers and pull my feet to the ground.

I pull on my boots and grab my bag and bow, pull it over one shoulder and tuck my wings under my flannel so they are not visible as I walk out of the room.

Yes, I am still where if the same clothes as yesterday

But do I care


I walk down the stairs and look for the door. Just as I am turning the handle I hear someone walking in my direction,

we'll I'm glad to see my powers are getting back to normal.

I quickly slide out of the door and carefully close it as to not be heard.

Ok step one done,

Now I get to explore!

I always like to know my environment, In L'manberg I practically knew every tree although Techno practically knew every blade of grass by name. People called him the 'human compass'

Or so he told us... I'm still not sure if he made it up or not.

I scurry along the path leading away from the house and get a good look at the outside for the first time.

The house is a little cottage surrounded by a bunch of wild flowers and a forest. It's old and overgrown but somehow also very beautiful. It has flowering vines climbing up the sides of its cobblestone walls and wooden roof and has window box's overflowing with flowers. They don't have very close neighbors but I can faintly see another house down the road. I walk around to the side yard and see an in-ground pool,


The backyard is just grass leading into the woods. I see a back door leading into the house and I look up and see a window with some familiar looking candles by the windowsill inside.

It is the window to the guest room I am staying in.

Easy escape or entry for someone with wings.


I walk back to the front yard and start walking down the pebble path to explore.

It's been a while since I could have something new to explore!

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