Ch.2 Surrender?

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Just as I do, a horn is heard echoing through the trees in the forest, signaling to start fighting. Everyone starts running twards eachother. Dream and I stand our ground as I release the arrow and watch in what felt like slow motion as it almost went directly in between Dreams eyes but before it could, he catches it, never breaking eye conact with me.


That was creepy as hell

I place the bow on my back and pull out my dagger that techno gave me from its sheath resting on my hip. Well, he gave me the blade part becasue he said "your wepon has to have importance to you." So I spent a week caving and whittling a sturdy handle.

I advance towards Dream running with the rest of my army and he does the same.

People are fighting all around me. I wheve and dodge blades and peoples and finally I skid to a halt and land in a fighting stance like a total bad ass (Wilber taught me that one). Immidiately I am met with Dream taking out his sword and we start to fight.

I make the first move and slide under him while taking my bow off my back, I stand quickly and release an arrow aimed for his leg. He blocks it with his sword and swings at me which I easily dodge and hit him in the knee with the bow. He grimmices I slath a deep cut into his arm with my dagger. He grabs his arm looking down and turns away but then he pauses for a second and I could tell he was smirking.

All of a sudden a dagger is thrown twards me and goes straight into the side of my stomach. I stomble backwards and look down at the handle of the knife. I look up, and see Dream smirk before pulling out a horn and blowing it.

Apparently this ment somthing because suddenly all of Dream's men retreat back across the field.

Did we win?

Did they surrender?

I look back down and weakly pull out the dagger. As it falls to the ground I take a deep painful breath to make sure I didn't puncture my lungs. I sigh in relif as I relize it didn't.

Well thats good news

I walk over to Phil, Techno, And Wilber who are just as confused as I am.

"Why did they leave?" Phil says

"I have no clue" Techno states

"Did they give up?" I say

As if on cue I hear a loud bang and everyone looks up.

Having no time to react, a missle embeded it's self a few yards away from us.

We all stared in shock

Then 3 things happen next

I heard a,



And then boom

I am thrown up and backwards by the blast

I can feel the burns forming on my arms from the firey blast as I am plummeting towards the earth through the leave in the trees.

My stab wound is still bleeding rapidly but that is the last of my problems now.

All of a sudden somthing sharp collides with my arm and I can feel it cut a deep gash in it.

As I tumble down from the air I roughly land and skid backwards and I am met with the feeling of bones breaking and a loud ringing in my ears.

I skid across the forest floor and finnally come to an abrupt stop as my back hits something.

I groan for the amount of pain as I turn my head to see what it is and am meet with what I feared most...


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