Ch.11 Explore

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I am walking down the road aimlessly looking at the strange mushrooms and practicing identifying bird,

All of a sudden I feel a vibration in the ground.


No vibration is in the ground not the air.


Not heavy enough.

Ok definitely car then.

How many peoples heart beats are there?

4, yes definitely 4 heartbeats I can hear

I did this as more of an exercise to get my senses back up and to normal.

Before the car passed I walked into the woods as to not be seen. I kept walking for about 15 minutes because.... Well why not. Plus I need to practice, well everything, bow'n arrow, flying (if I can) and sensing.

I pull my bow off my back and look around to see if I am still in view of the street, nope I walked pretty deep into the woods. So I take off my flannel letting my wings fall out and tie it around my waist below my wound. Then I secure the arrows to my backpack put it on my back loosely so my wings can go through the arm holes, and then I begin,

Running and weaving through the trees at full sprint, bow in hand. I grab an arrow from my back and draw it quickly and sharply while still running and shoot,

It rips through the air at great speed and cuts right into the middle of an old oak tree's branch. Just where I was going for.

I pick up me speed and take another arrow from my back and sharply pull it back while I use my wings to help me make a very sharp left turn and slide on one knee as I release it and hits a very narrow tree. I use the movement form the slide to get back up. As I keep my pace I open my wings and pull another arrow from my back and jump while opening my wings and bringing them down in one big flap.


I face plant right into a patch of mud.


I groan as I lift myself out of the mud with my elbows. Once I get to my feet I try to wipe of the mud but I'm pretty sure I just smeared it more. I pick up my bow and laugh to myself as I think of how weird I must look right now.

I probably look crazy a person covered in mud laughing to themself...


Ok so the whole flying thing with broken bones is a big no no..

Damn it, that's the fun bit..

I walk over to a stump and sit and decide to work on my powers for a bit because now my wings are aching from the fall.

I close my eyes and breathe deep breathes, I can hear the forest, all of it, the whistling wind through the gaps of the tree tops, the croaks of frogs, all the different species of birds singing to each other, all of it. And I feel it all too. I feel the adventurous sit around me and even the tiny vibrations that each of the hundreds of insects make.

For about 30 more minutes I carve some targets into the tree with my danger and practice shooting. Then I put my flannel back over my wings and start to walk back to the road. I usually hide my wings better and secure them to my back but I figure that they are hidden enough at the moment.

I find the road again after another 15 minutes and start to walk back to the house. As I do, I realize for the first time that it is getting dark outside.

Once I reach the house I don't bother trying to fly up to the window with my wings in this bad of shape so I just stroll on right through the front door. When I do though I am meet with a bone crushing hug from May. Yes it hurt but I just let her hug me.

"Where were you? You had me worried" May says, so solemnly, she really does care about me....

"Just out and about" I respond

"And why are you covered in dirt?" She asks pushing me out from her hug to look at me.

"Oh ya, umm, my wings aren't as up to speed as I thought they were" I say

"Well of corse they aren't yet" she said leading me to the empty kitchen table.

"I've been meaning to talk to you." She says sitting at the table across from me.

Oh shit, what is it..

"The first night you stayed here you said they were dead? Who?" She asks like she is walking on thin ice during an earthquake. Like seriously I swear I'm not going to have another panic attack, I have to say
0 out of 10 would not recommend.

"It's kind of a long story" I say scratching the back of my neck.

"If you don't feel comfortable talking about it, it's totally ok" she says, I consider it for a moment but I know I need to tell her, after all I may be stuck here for a while... I mean I have nothing back at home besides revenge and that will take a while to get healed for.

"Ok so, see....back in L'manburg a guys named Dream killed my parents name front of me because of my wings....About 2 years I moved in with some family friends and they practically became my family, there names where Technoblade, otherwise known as the blood God, Philza who was the Dad, and Wilbur Soot, the musician and the bomber, known for his loyalty to L'manburg and his destroying of...multiple nations." I say and pause to look up at May,

Her facial expression looks shocked...mostly shocked but also...what is that?....fear?....oh shit....

"You..lived with THE Blood god and THE Wilbur Soot?!" She says like she is still trying to process the information.

"Ya" I say

"They're known around here as the mightiest warriors of like, of all time...." She says like she is fascinated

"Ya, they really did like to show off a lot" I say chuckling,

"Why do you keep saying did, and were, in past tense?" She says gently sounding genuinely confused.

"Well the thing is ....."

And I told her

I told her everything

Everything about Dream

The war

The dagger Dream threw

I told her about the explosion

And even the most hard part to talk about

When I army crawled over to each of my family members with too much pain to imagine and checked each of there pulses, just to be left with 3 dead soldiers surrounding me.

I told her about wilburs hat, Phil's gems, and Techno's necklace.

I told her about the makeshift grave and the cowardly escape.

Once I was done I just sat there and waited for her to respond.

But then she stands up

Walk around the table

And hugs me.

With that I completely break down,

All the stress just call comes out as I cry into her shoulder.

I'm very glad there is nobody else in the kitchen as I usually don't like to make myself......look valuable.

After about 2 minutes I got ahold of myself and calmed down so we are sitting in the kitchen in a comfortable silence.

"It's been a long night, why don't you go take a nice warm shower and get some rest, since you are so eager to go out and about, tomorrow, if your feeling up to it, I can take you into town" she says standing up.

"I think I'd like that" I say following her up the stairs hiding a smile.

The Winged Warrior Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora