ch.6 Peace

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I drearily flutter my eyes open and am meet with a beams of sun rays dancing along the wall creating a beautiful array of patterns. I close my eyes again, still tired from the long night rest, and lay in peace on the comfy bed. I feel the warmth of the sun on my face as the curtain sways in the breeze of the open window.

I feel at peace, for the first time in a while.

Then all of a sudden I hear a sudden noise like somthing falling from down stairs and finnally remember where I actually am, why i'm here, and all those fun injuries I got along the way.

...ya, my peace was very short lived...

I open my eyes and sit up, well at least I try to, but a stabbing pain rolls from my stomach up my spine and makes me immediately fall back into my wings which also hurt like i've been run over by a bus...multiple times,

wow, double whammy on that one.

I litterally can't move without it being filled with pain... Lovely

ehh, i've delt with worse I say to myself and use my arms to push me up. It takes me a second to reconnect to reality as my vision goes blurry but I eventually push myself to my feet and notice a small note that says "sparrow" on it, I have to say, not a bad nickname. I gently pick up the folded piece of paper and read it.

It says,

"Good Morning! I left you some new clothes to change into ontop of the dresser, I hope they fit. The bathroom is the door next to the nightstand, feel free to use the shower. I am making breakfast down stairs if you want any."

Well that would explain the noise coming from down stairs....

I turn around, and sure enough there is a little pile of clothes sitting on the wooden dresser. I walk over and pick up the outfit that was neatly folded on the dresser. It is a black T-shirt with a brown flannel and grey ripped jeans.

I walk into the bathroom setting the clothes down on the counter. I look into the mirror and relized how dirty I am.

My face has dirt and scraches all over it, my eyes that are an icy blue on one side of my face and brown on the other side which were now clouded and red by all the tears shed in the last few days. I touch the scar that runs over my eye and eye brow and remember when I got it in a previous war I fought in, I was still new to fighting so it had been pretty easy to hit my face as I didn't really know how to properly block yet.

My hair is tangled filled with dirt and has bits of blood in it. A squirrel could probably mistake my hair for a nest to be honest.

My hair is brown about sholder lenth. It's kinda wavy but mostly strait (3rd pic on her aesthetic board).

I slowly lift off my shirt and slide my wings out of the makeshift holes I cut in the back a while ago and then unwrap my stomach bandage. There are stitches in it and I am very thankful that the wound looks like it's started to scab over.

I take off the rest of my bandages and clothes and get in the warm shower. It feels nice for a moment before the stinging starts. It feels like needles stabbing into all my cuts and scratches. I grit my teeth through the pain because I know it needs to be cleaned. The water flows over my wings and the red color of blood starts to wash out of the brownish grey feathers.


Once I am done showering and getting into the new clothes I walk out of the bathroom and brush my hair.

It hurt like a son of a bitch to get those knots out but after a long 5 minutes of determination, my hair was smooth once more.

A grab my bag from the corner of my room (my bow still attached to the back) and I carefully place it on the bed and open it. I see techno's necklace which the people must have taken off and put back in my bag, I see Phil's emerald chain and Wilbur's hat. I grab the necklace and pull it over my head as the chain long. I pull Wilbur's grey beanie on top of my damp hair that is now hanging to just above my shoulders. Then secure the emerald chain to my hair with the clasp that is at the end and now it is partly covered with hair but the bottom is viewable.

I suddenly have a wave of nausea come over me and I stubble back to use the wall of support.

It passes quickly and I creak open the door to be met with a pleasant sweet smell.

I don't recognize this smell.

Could it be bread?

No too sweat..


Nope still not right..

What is this odd smell??

I walk out the doorway still trying to ignore the shooting pain in my side that is shooting up my spine every time I move. I lightly creep across the wooden floor. To the left of the door I spot a wooden staircase going down.

I assume that is where the kitchen is and I still need help rewrapping my wounds so I need to find the lady or the person who did it last time. I can't reach some spots on my wings so I need someone else to.

Also I don't know where their gouse is, so that's another reason I need to find another person willing to help.

I get to the top of the staircase and use the wall to help me not face-plant down the stairs because of the, only growing pain in my side that was starting to bleed through the shirt they so kindly let me use. I feel really bad for getting blood on their things.

I get to the bottom and take in my surroundings,

The floors are still a light wood and the ceiling matches but has support beams across some places. To the left of the stairs is a door leading to I assume outside. To the right, I see a wall separating the living room and the kitchen where I can hear the woman making breakfast and the man and girl eating somthing at a table, not noticing my presence. I could sense her though, the thing about my powers are that I can sense things very well, overly well, such as, vibrations of a heart beat as it travels through the air and breathing as it make vibrations through the body to the ground and travels out. After the war I lost touch with these senses for a little bit but I am so relived they have come back to me.

I walk into the kitchen and the woman notices me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, your bleeding." She says as she frantically, putting down the bowl she was mixing somthing in and rushes to me. My hand still steading myself on the wall. To be honest I was too buisy to noice the shirt now had a very obious blood mark on it.

"Oh ya, kinda forgot."I say as she looks at it.

She lifts up my shirt off my lower stomach just enough to see the torn stitches and the bleeding stab wound,

Damn it I hate it when I accidentally tear stitches

"here come sit down and let me restich this and bandage you up." She says putting my shirt back down and taking my hand to lead me over to the table.

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