Chapter 6

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Two hours of detention wasn't something Zayn was not used to, he did that all the time, but he was worried for Harry, he would try to steal some glances from him to make sure he was alright, but Harry made sure to ignore him, he was doing his homework and didn't need Zayn to fuck that part of his life too.

Concentration wasn't something Zayn was good at anyways, he was distracted through the entire time, he couldn't finish even one of his homework, he would stare are the clock in the classroom's wall, counting the seconds, he needed to talk to Harry, maybe tell him how he felt, tell him the reasons why he had to punch him, maybe he needed to apologize too.

"Alright kids, detention is over now, hope I never have to do extra time with you again." The teacher announced with a huff and some kids didn't waste any time running out, Harry was patiently collecting his stuff though, putting them neatly in his bag, thanked the teacher for his time, and left the classroom without sparing Zayn one look.

Zayn was frozen in his place, not knowing if he should follow Harry to his house to make sure he was alright, or should he just leave him be?

He decided the first option, he wouldn't forgive himself if anything happened to Harry, he thought he could follow Harry and just make sure no one picks a fight with him, he didn't have to walk by him, not like he didn't want to though.

It didn't go as he planned, Harry noticed he was being followed, "stop following me, if you don't have anything to say, kindly fuck off." Harry shouted, not turning around to face Zayn even, Zayn stopped walking for a second, then he shouted back "I don't have anything to say!"

"then fuck off!"

"Nah, I think I'll stick around." That made Harry walk back to him, to talk to him face to face, "you think it's a joke right?" Harry was fuming with anger, "I seriously don't wanna see you, god I hate you so much." He didn't mean to say that, but he wanted to hurt Zayn as he hurt him, Zayn chuckled though.

"I just wanna make sure you are safe, that's all." He shook his head in disbelief, it was obvious Harry was trying to make him walk away.

This time Harry chuckled, "make sure I'm safe? You punched me for defending us, now you wanna make sure I'm ok? You are sick Malik."

"fuck you, Styles, you don't know those people, I did you a favor!" but Harry didn't wait for Zayn to finish whatever he had to say, he was already walking away.

"fine! Suit yourself!"

Harry just shook his head, not believing Zayn was trying to justify his actions like that, he knew he was just embarrassed about losing some power to Harry, "he can have all the power to himself." Harry mumbled. He turned around to make sure he wasn't being followed anymore, sure Zayn wasn't there but he did see some other kids from that group, he ignored them thinking they were walking home.

The only thing he didn't expect to happen was them running towards him, he could hear their steps so he decided to walk faster, he was in deep shit for sure.

Four of them, and Harry was alone.

"hey there Harry!" one of them shouted and stood right in front of him, other guys standing around him to make sure he couldn't run.

"um? Who are you?"

"oh, I'm Adam! Nice to meet you!" he offered his hand to shake Harry's but the second Harry wanted to take his offer he pulled away, "sorry I don't want gay germs on me."

"wow, you are dumber than you look," Harry commented, trying to push the guy out of his way, Harry wasn't a weak one, he had some muscles to defend himself, but not against four other guys who were just as built like him.

Adam chuckled and pushed him back, "where do you think you are going?" and with that, he delivered a punch right at Harry's jaw.

For a second Harry was shocked, but he recovered quickly and punched him just as hard back, but what he didn't expect was that the little punch turns into a huge fight, he did try to defend himself, but they pinned him down and Adam sat right on his chest.

"I suggest you keep your, gay disease to yourself, we don't need more of you people in the school, no kissing, no holding hands in school, got it?" Adam said while he was choking Harry, he didn't wait for Harry's answer, they just left Harry on the sidewalk.

To be honest, Harry has been through the worst with his father and they didn't really scare him, but he did feel like he needed help to walk back home, he kept looking at his phone, debating whether to call Zayn for help or not, but he didn't want Zayn to come back from home only to see him in this situation.

And he didn't want to admit that Zayn was right.

So Harry collected himself, tried to tidy his clothes as much as he could to look half decent, and slowly made his way home.

What he did not expect was to see Zayn sitting on their porch waiting for him, "holy shit! I told you!"

"oh good for you!" Harry hissed from the pain, he did not need to hear the 'I was right' at the moment. "I didn't see you on the way, how did you even get here?"

"found a shortcut," Zayn mumbled, helping him inside, Harry wanted to tell him to fuck off but he really needed help to clean up his wounds.

Zayn helped him in the restroom and looked for the first aid kit, "they are dangerous Harry, it doesn't matter how strong you are, they will find a way to fuck you up." Zayn said as he cleaned Harry's face from all the blood and dirt.

"Nothing I couldn't handle," Harry mumbled.

"you call this handling?" Zayn chuckled.

"yeah, at least they didn't sleep with me and then punch me the next day." Harry rolled his eyes, not believing Zayn expects him to just pretend that nothing happened.

"I did that to protect you!"

Harry stared into his eyes, "oh fuck off. As if you didn't do it to show everyone that you are powerful!"

Zayn huffed, bitterly laughing, "I'm not used to this! I'm trying to be good for you, I'm trying to understand how everything works with us, but you want me to be a pro like you?! put yourself in my shoes for a second! Yes, I don't need you to be my protector all the time! I can handle myself, give me some space to figure things out!"

Harry closed his eyes, making sure he understands where Zayn is coming from, he knows how hard it could be to come out to people, and Zayn did it only in a day, it can be too much for anyone to handle, "alright, I'm waiting."

"for what?" Zayn frowned.

"an apology."

"I wasn't the only one who was wrong, why don't you go first?"

"you hit me." Harry tried to reason with him.

"after you failed to give me space." Zayn crossed his arms over his chest, waiting.

"what you did was worse though."

Zayn huffed, "fine! I'm sorry for punching you. now your turn."

Harry rolled his eyes, "alright! I'm sorry for not giving you time and space! Now can we move on and cuddle? Everything hurts!"

With a smile, Zayn helped Harry on the bed, tucked him in, and laid next to him, Harry hid his face in Zayn's neck and took a deep breath of his cologne, "stay for the night?"

His answer was a simple nod, they both needed to take a good rest, to sort their thoughts, to make sure they knew what was their next step, one dreaming about making everything calm again the other planning a storm.  


hello everyone! sorry for the late update, i was really busy with work, hope you enjoyed.

thank you all for reading, let me know what you think!

love you all!

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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