Chapter 1

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You know the frustrating feeling when you constantly try to teach someone something but they don't get it? Not cuz they aren't smart, they just don't want to learn or maybe they want to make you angry and tease you?

Harry has been feeling like that over a month since their math teacher assigned him to tutor Zayn, the bad boy, who doesn't give a flying fuck about school, and you can guess how much he hated math, so even though Harry is a nerd who knows probably more than he should about math, he couldn't teach Zayn anything, not that he didn't try different methods, cuz he even made Zayn flashcards it took him hours to make them just so that Zayn rip them apart cuz he was tired of studying.

Harry had one week to help Zayn, he was lying on his back on his twin-sized bed trying to come up with something new. something interesting enough for Zayn to make him listen for once. Zayn was always distracted with something, Harry caught him 100 times spacing out and when Harry would try to shake him he would snap at Harry for touching him.

"what the fuck should I do with this overconfident selfish asshol-?!" it was the light bulb moment. "his ass," he whispered "you are so smart Harry." he prised himself, if his plan works, Zayn could even be the top student in next exam.

Ingredients for his ace plan? Some hard and simple math problems and....A ruler.

An hour later Harry took his backpack and made his way to Zayn's house, they always studied there cuz Zayn's family were at work till late at night and they could use some peace.

20 minutes of walking, Harry was in front of Zayn's door, he knocked a couple of times but Zayn didn't open the door, Harry was 99% sure that he was sleeping, it wasn't his first time that he forgot Harry was coming.

So Harry did what Zayn told him to do when something like this happens, he jumped to their back yard, and climbed over the tree next to Zayn's bedroom and tapped the window, Zayn didn't wake up, so he tapped harder calling Zayn name, Zayn moved a little opened his eyes and look around till he saw someone out of the window. the Zayn malik scream land fell of the the bed, Harry wanted to laugh but he had to keep himself on the tree, when Zayn finally registered what was happening he opened the window and let Harry in.

"that was very manly scream Zayn." Harry let it out, he laughed slapping his knees, Zayn just stared at him with a bored gaze.

"Are you quite done? Can we start now I have planned for tonight." Zayn said sitting on his queen-sized bed.

"plans? You mean the party Louis is trowing tonight?" Harry questioned, taking out his ingredients.

"a ruler Harry? What are you gonna measure? My dick size? So you can tell your friend how big it was?" typical Zayn so full of himself.

"you'll see," Harry stated seriously, he opened his notebook "so there are 10 questions here, answer them."

"When are we gonna stop with this stupid quizzes? You are so booooring." he was tired of this process, take the quiz, fail and Harry explaining every single question, and Zayn just gazing at Harry's lips dreaming about things he shouldn't dream about.

"This is gonna be different Zayn trust me." Harry said, placing his glasses on his eyes.

"the thing is i. dont. trust. you." Zayn spoke, stressing on trust.

"oh well I guess that's your problem," Harry opened the novel he brought with himself and started reading "you have 30 minutes Zayn's you better start."

"wh- who do you think you are? you cant order me around!" it was obvious that he was just waisting time.

"You have an exam in 6 days, 29 minutes Zayn." he went back to reading, ignoring Zayn altogether for 29 minutes.

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