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Lucky O'Cléirigh

With our assortment of kinky paraphernalia in hand, Konstantin and I approach the shop counter and the goth girl nods at us with a surprisingly sweet smile for a steampunk saleswoman with a safety pin pushed through her nose.. There isn't a hint of judgement or a trace of disgust in her pale blue eyes, instead she approvingly compliments our selection before she begins to neatly pack the items into a pretty black box..

"Great choice, you two! I just love the kitty-collection and it's one of our best sellers! You obviously have an excellent eye, Cutie!" The gothic girl winks at me with a playful grin and I can feel my face glowing pink, thankful that my blush can't be seen under the dim of the sultry lights..

"Oh, thanks.." I am relieved to hear that other people had selected the same playthings as us and something about that knowledge makes me feel even more at ease with the idea of using them.. Especially the anal toy.. I am so nervous about something being put in my butt, even if it is an adorable tail.. It is all so new to me, the exhilaration heats my blood, equal parts terrifying and titillating all at once..

From somewhere beneath the floorboards I can make out the thudding bass of a speedy techno tempo and once again I find myself in a curious and inquisitive position.. "Where is that music coming from?" I ask her, wondering if there is a nightclub nearby..

I could totally go for a dance floor distraction right now, anything to stop my mind from returning to the bloody scene we had left back at my apartment.. I have to keep moving, keep looking ahead.. I can't let my emotions get the better of me, instead I will bury them beneath a facade of fun, like I have always done.. I want to laugh and live.. And I want to forget the awful things that have been done..

The gorgeous goth hitches a thumb over her shoulder towards a red door behind the register.. "The dungeon is down below, non members have to pay.."

"Pay for what?" I glance up at Konstantin and he pinches the bridge of his nose, now stifling a chuckle, all the while I continue to be confused..

"For the privilege, Cutie.. It's usually exclusive entry, but I'm sure the two of you would be more than welcome down there.." The goth girl eyes us both up and down with approval and suddenly her cryptic clues begin to make sense..

The dungeon down below is a sex-thing..
I am standing above and honest to goodness sex-club!

Tugging urgently on Konstantin's sleeve, I give him my cutest pout, the one I know he can't deny... "I wanna see the dungeon.."

His dark eyes narrow in wary scepticism.. "I do not know it iz good idea, Malishka--"

"Oh, pleeeeease! Pretty please with sugar on top!" I press my palms together in prayer and bat my lashes, assaulting him with a full charm offensive and he buckles reluctantly when affronted by my cuteness..

"Vury well.." He sighs as he pulls out his wallet and pays the goth before he picks up the pink kitty mask and hands it to me.. "But you will wear thiz and you will touch nobody.. Da, agree?"

I draw a small 'x' over my heart with a long pink fingernail. "Yes, yes, yes! I won't touch a single thing-a-ling! I promise.."

I put the lacy pink mask on to cover half my face and then Konstantin steps behind me, brushing my bouncy blonde curls aside to place the dainty collar around my neck with a grumble.. "And you will wear thiz, so nobody doez touch you.. Or I will be forced to cut off many greedy little fingerz.."

"Heh.. Have fun you two.." The goth girl chokes on a giggle at his dark threat, unaware that he is not at all being humorous.. He will in fact cut off the fingers of anybody who tries to make a pass at me and that is probably why I feel like I am in the safest hands possible..

RED REAPER - Soldiers Of Fortune [book one]Where stories live. Discover now