Chapter THIRTY

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Konstantin Ivanov

By the time I make it home, the late afternoon has set in to tint the sky in a pastel peachy orange and the last of the sun's warmth has emptied from the air.. Upon reaching the front of my apartment building I find no detectives with a warrant waiting for me, but instead I discover a pretty blonde printsessa and a pissed off Scandinavian locked in a silent stare off with one another..

Reaching into my pocket to retrieve my keys I attempt to make light of their tension.. Far be it from me to stoop to involve myself in their affairs without provocation.. Honestly, I don't give a fuck what kind of drama the two of them have been sharing in my absence and I have no interest on taking on blame from either side.. "Privyet, Brat Paxton.. I see you have reunited with betrayals ov' 'ze past.. Tell me, iz moya doch' even more beautiful 'zen you remember?"

I smile fondly at Katya and she returns the grin, snickering at my taunt, slinking across to join me at my side.. Then her icy and unforgiving stare shifts to fix on her former lover as she folds her arms in a closed off contempt..

Hunter casts an exasperated eye over my sweet girl before turning the full fury of his rage back on me.. "Shut your goddamn mouth, Ivanov.. You were supposed to stay the fuck away from Katya.. But I didn't think I'd have to warn you to stay away from my sister, that shit should go without saying.. You've got some nerve fucking up Lucky's life--"

I hold up an interruptive index finger.. "Ah-Ah, you alwayz like to make assumption and place blame, Comrade.. But you fail to empathize with how fucked up her life waz already, long before I arrive.."

"What kind of twisted justification dumb-fuck-bullshit is that?" He scoffs.. "She's had a rough run, sure, that doesn't give you the right to take advantage of her--"

"Take advantage?" I chuckle at his hypocrisy, gesturing towards the beauty beside me.. "Did you not fuck my daughter when she azked for your help? Eighteen, she waz.. You are no Saint, Comrade.."

"Tata, please--dont.." Katya tugs on my sleeve but I hush her with a sharp hiss..

"Shh, Katushya.. He muzt answer for hiz own misdeeds if he doez wish to make such accusationz of me.."

"I was young and stupid.. I made a mistake.." He shakes his head, though the conflict causes him to weaken in his attack.. "I never meant to hurt you, Katya.. You know that.. But your old man should know better!"

Katya doesn't speak, turning her face away from him instead..

"I protect that which you abandon, Comrade.." I place a hand on Ekaterina's shoulder to pull her closer to me and she cuddles into my side.. "You are destruction, and it iz only a matter ov' time before your little shark sees the shadowz in you.. Perhapz she can forgive you and offer 'ze redemption you so dezperately seek.. Or perhapz you fear she will hate you, just az my daughter doez.."

Hunter swallows his pride, peering down to the Serbian sweetheart with sincere sadness.. "Kat, I'm sorry.. But you can't do this.. I gave you everything you needed to start a new life-- don't throw it away on him.."

"Ha, odjebi, svinjo!" Katya laughs a harsh bark of hatred, cursing the man in her mother tongue, the rolling Slavic profanity like music to my ears.. "Is that how you remember it, Hunter? Ptt!" She mock-spits at his boots in spiteful shame.. "You gave me nothing and took from me everything, bre.. Kostya is right, I do fucking hate you.."

My girl is still very much unbroken and unbridled.. She always was a wild spirit, and it pleases me to know that a strong Serbian heart still beats in her chest.. She makes me proud..

"Really?! You think I'm the bad guy here?!" Hunter throws up his hands.. "If that's really how you feel, Kat, then you two savages deserve each other.." He scoffs, straightening his shoulders and hiding behind a facade of false confidence before he lifts his scrutinising stare back to meet my passive gaze.. "You know what, fuck it, I don't give a shit anymore, do whatever you want.. Just leave Lucky out of it.. I won't let you take her to hell with you.. She's just a kid for Christs sake!"

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