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The few hours after the last meeting left Leonard McCoy on edge (as if he wasn't already). After everyone began separating back to their stations, he noticed how off-balanced Jim looked; he looked to be just as stressed as he. Nevertheless, he didn't blame him. He wanted to go after the man; to comfort him that everything was going to be okay in the end. But he and Benny both knew that wouldn't be all true.

She called him over with a look that could be read as unsure and assertive. "I know what we have to do to get rid of Valliant," she said slowly and quietly. Leonard, being a little annoyed, sighed softly and walked back into the briefing room, all the while locking the door behind him as it slid closed with a soft shoop. It was obvious as to what only option they had in winning this battle. He nodded.

The process didn't require much time to prepare and complete--they stood adjacent from each other; Benny closed her eyes, concentrating all her energy and strength; and with a lift of her eyelids, her hands glowed brightly as she held the power of a thousand souls between her fingers. Leonard watched as wisps of souls flew and wrapped around her wrists. He stood ready, taking in deep breaths. Benny then released the souls into Leonard's body. The man's body lit up, and he shook as if hit by a cold breeze in winter. All at once he felt cold, hot, and numb to the power that now surged through his entire being. He gritted his teeth at the weight of it all; a burden falling greatly upon his shoulders. It was all over in a matter of seconds, though, as every muscle began to loosen and relax in Leonard's body. He breathed heavily, having not realized before that he was holding his breath during the transfer.

Leonard nearly fell to his knees. Benny caught him, and together they sat on the floor with their backs leaning against the wall. Both felt drained of energy, yet Leonard felt charged all the same. "This has been the worst week of my entire existence. Literally." Benny breathed out a chuckle in silent agreement.

"You do know that these might be your final moments, right?" There was an uneasiness in her voice as she spoke after a moment's silence. And in those words came the feeling of dread, bubbling in the pit of Leonard's stomach; the feeling wrapping itself around his heart with a tight grip.

After all the years he's been alive--the many lives he's lived--it had to be now. Why though; why now when he has just come to love being Leonard McCoy? He has had many lives before, sure, but does he really have to lose this one? To lose the love that burrowed and planted deep inside his heart? Leonard has lived for--what--two hundred ninety-one years? That's around twelve identities lived? Yet it had to be this life--this thirteenth life--that he'd grown to be attached to.

Leonard looked at Benny with saddened eyes. She sighed. "I'm sorry, Leonard. I wish there was another way, but only you can hold the most powerful weapon against Le Valliant." As much as he'd like to deny it, he knew she was, of course, right.

It was during his first encounter with Le Valliant that he discovered that he was more than human: He was only half-human. It took him some time to discover his other half--his demon half. Both he and Benny hoped that it would lead to Valliant's defeat--he was only merely banished. This meant that during the years he's been away from New Zealand, Valliant had time to regain his strength. He was stronger than before, and it was evident.

The pair, still a bit shaken, took to their feet. Nothing was said as they embraced each other. Benny pressed her forehead to Leonard's chest, and silent tears streamed down her pale cheeks. Leonard hid his face in her hair. And despite there not being anyone else in the room with them, he did not want anyone to see the tears that fell down from his own eyes.

The Medbay wasn't as filled as it was minutes after the attack of the hellhounds. Still, Leonard helped as much as he could with the patients occupying the beds. M'Benga and Chapel--along with a few of the remaining doctors and nurses--were grateful for the man's help. (They allowed him to finish the rest of his shift, to the latter's request.) But soon enough Chapel had gone over to his office, only to see that he wasn't there. But on a biobed in a secluded corner, there he lay passed out. And then she smiled.

Star Trek: The Predicament About DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now