"Shit!" Leonard seethed at the pain as he ran a finger along with the scratch on his cheek.

"How'd that happen again?" Jim asked from inside the sonic shower. The warmth of Jim's quarters gave Leonard a sort of comfort as the warmth outbattled the cold feeling he felt in his body.

He breathed in before exhaling heavily. "Just before I came into consciousness, I, well—" he hesitated "—tried to attack him, but he managed to strike first. 'Sides, I don't even think I'm powerful enough to inflict damage on him while in the dream world." He added. The ointment stung as he continued to gently spread it on the scratch (no doubt about it, it would later become a faint red slash across his face).

Jim snorted and stepped out of the shower, shaking his head like a dog after taking a bath. "Dammit, Jim, I can feel dirt hitting me. Are you sure you got your hair?" Only difference there though is that there was no water involved. The sonic shower was a device built to cleanse your body without the use of water, the ultrasonic vibrations that it created made the dirt and grime evaporate off your body without having to get wet.

"Don't be such a drama queen, there's hardly any dirt on you," Jim giggled. Leonard threw a towel over his shoulder at him, to which he caught it before wrapping it around his waist. "I think you're more powerful than him. You just don't know it yet." He wrapped his arms around the other's torso and rested his chin in the crook of his neck, meeting eyes with each other through the mirror.

After a moment's silence, hesitantly, he asked, "What... can you do exactly? Like, what abilities do you have?" Jim never liked pushing buttons with Leonard (well, maybe he pushed them a lot, but Leonard still loved him the same). And ever since finding out about this new side of him, well... Jim just had to ask.

Leonard raised a brow at Jim and craned his neck to look down at Jim. "You want to know?" Almost eagerly, Jim nodded. The southern doctor could only chuckle as he pushed away from the bathroom counter. He thought for a moment.

"I can move things.... I can fly," he looked at Jim with a small smile. "I have enhanced smells, but I try to keep it to a minimum--let me tell you, it's not so fun when it's at a hundred percent. Um, I can use fire—"

"Can I see?"


Jim frowned. "Fine." With a flip of his wrist, a small flicker of fire appeared in his palm before he waved it away.

"My brother—" he tried continuing but was cut off again.

"You had a brother?"

"Yes, now may I continue?" Jim was silent. Leonard had a small smile on his lips as he waited a moment longer before continuing again.

"My brother—" he enunciated "—visited me once in a dream—as Le Valliant did not too long ago—and I think I can, too, but I haven't tried before. He said I have great power, but I'm still trying to figure it all out. Lastly, as far as I know, I can heal myself, but..." He trailed off, a little hesitant as he continued. "I'd rather use today's technology and skills... because it makes me think I'm more human than a demon. I feel as if I didn't use my powers... I'd be considered more human in the eyes of others too." He finished quietly and looked down into the sink.

He liked to think of himself as human—never liked coming to terms with who he really was. To him, being a part-demon was a curse; a curse he never wanted in the first place. There were many times when he'd think about how different things would be if he didn't expose cults as a hobby. Or if he never received such power. Would Le Valliant not go after him? Probably. Would he still be living a life with Celia? Maybe, but very doubtful. A life with no worries and no problems? For sure it would make things much easier. Every day, for decades, he thought about the many scenarios.

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