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Beomgyu just sat there and cried. People passing by looked at him, but no one payed much attention and just passed by him. He held a cotton candy in one hand and his other hand was just kept on his thighs, while his head was bowed down and he cried. His head was a whirl of thoughts, but the most prominent one's had to be-

I lost my Jjunie hyung to Yuna.

He still see's me as a brother.

I will never be able to move on and forget him.

I am dumb, no one likes me..

But before he could complete his own thoughts, he heard his phone ringing in his pocket. He did not pick it up on the first ring. But when he heard another ring, he decided it may be important and he should pick up.

He took out the phone from his pocket and saw the caller id, It was his best friend Huening Kai. He picked up the phone and heard a loud voice from the other side.

"Hey Beomie , how are you."

"I am good Ning" 

He lied.

"Are you??" Huening asked, suspicion evident in his voice.

"Yes i really am. Why do you ask?"

"Well your voice sounds a bit low."

"Oh nothing. Just a tiny headache"

"Did you take medicines. Are you ok. DO YOU NEED A HUG"

The last line was said so loudly that Beomgyu had to pull the phone away from his ears for his own sake.

"Hey hey calm down!! I am fine. It must be study strees, nothing else. I am sure ill be fine in a few hours"

"ok....if you say so"

"Anyways why did you call??"

Huening Kai sudeenly seemed to forget all his worries and said in a really excited tone, "Don't you remeber Gyu!!! It's Lia's birthday tommorow."

"Who Lia??"

"Ugh you are soooooo forgetful really. Don't you remember that girl in the canteen??"

"The one you spilled soup on?"

"Yessss that one"

"What about her?"

"Well she is in my class, so she invited me to her birthday yesterday. And she said i could bring two friends over. So i decided to bring you and hyunnie"

"Oh sure ill be there, just text me the address ok??"

"Yess hyung i will"

"Ok bye ning"

"Bye gyu"

Beomgyu smiled and reminded himself that even though his crush didn't like him back, he atleast had his amazing friends. He decided to focus on them and try to move on from Yeonjun. He knew it was going to be one of the hardest tasks he has ever done. But still he decided he could do it if he kept his feelings secret and avoided Yeonjun.

But never could have Beomgyu guessed that he would have to avoid Yeonjun altogether without even trying himself.

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