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A girl knocked on the door of her brother's room. But after hearing no response from him, she went in. She saw her brother sleeping with his head on the table and multiple books spread around him.

She smiled and helped him get to bed. Then she cleared up the books and said Good night to him. Then she went away closing the door softly behind her.

Beomgyu smiled under the bed sheets while thinking how lucky he was to have a sister like Chaeryoung, his dear caring and sweet noona.

He could have never asked for more. Perfect family, perfect friends and a perfect crush.

Beomgyu's cheeks turned red while thinking of his crush, Yeonjun. No one knew about his crush on him other than his sister and his soulmate Taehyun.

Yeonjun was a year ahead of him in school but he always found time to hang out with him, Taehyun and Huening. Soobin also joined them often and everyone other than Huening were sure he liked their dear plushy lover.

He slept with these thoughts in his mind. 

He was dreaming about him and his jjunie hyung having fun, when suddenly he heard his mother's voice saying, "YAAH! BEOMGYU YOU SLEEPY HEAD. WAKE UP OR YOU WILL BE LATE TO SCHOOL. LOOK AT YOUR SISTER. SHE IS ALL READY TO GO TO SCHOOL."

He jerked awake from his mother's loud voice and looked at the alarm clock. It was already 7:15 and he had only 15 minutes to get ready and walk to school with his siter. "OH SHIT! I must have forgotten to put the alarm". He groaned at his stupidity and started dressing fast. He just stuffed his bags with random books and went down the stairs running. His sister came up to him and stuffed a toast in his mouth. Then they ran out all the way to the school t reach on time. 

They barely made it as they heard the bell as soon as they got in. His sister went to her class and he went to his, running in just before his teacher entered and taking a seat beside Taehyun.

Taehyun looked at him and chuckled. Then he said with a slight smirk, "Slept late at night again, did we?"

Beomgyu blushed and said in a hushed whisper, "Yaah! stop teasing me. You know i was chatting with Yeonjun." He remembered yesterday's night when he sat on his bed, after his sister had left and he was not able to sleep again, while texting with yeonjun. He had told him that he wanted to tell him something and would meet him today on the entrance gate. But Beomgyu, as usual, had to ruin it all by waking up late.

He wondered what yeonjun wanted to tell him and expressed his thoughts to Taehyun. 

"Hm....maybe he wants to propose you. Maybe he has finally seen you as someone other than a little brother."

Beomgyu immediately started dreaming about Yeonjun proposing him with a bouquet of roses and a teddy bear. He started blushing, but before his mind could fantasize any further situations, the teacher shouted at him for not paying attention. So he immediately started taking notes and showing on his face that he was paying full attetion on the board.

But deep inside he was very excited by the thought that Taehyun had put in his head.

But of course, Yeonjun had to go ahead and ruin and shatter all his amazing dreams.

A\N- Finally the first chapter. 

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