Epilogue: Selena

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Selena sat in front of the mirror in her room.

She had been there for an hour. There was a lot to unpack from today, and it didn't feel like she had enough time to do so. She picked her brush up and began to brush through her hair. She winced as she felt tangles getting stuck in the bristles. 

"Jesus I thought you died," her sister Aria said from the bed on the opposite side of the room. "How long could you just sit there and look at yourself? I don't know, but I thought you were trying to break your record or something." 

Selena turned toward her sister and rolled her eyes. "I've had a long day, Aria." 

"Holy shit," Aria said as she got up from the bed. She ran over to Selena and pulled her shirt down revealing her collarbone. "Where did you get this bruise?!" 

It was a large bruise the size of an orange. It was from when Gedeon pushed her down earlier in Glorianna. You can't exactly tell your sister an "evil wizard shoved me to the ground and tried to throw a lightning bolt at me", though can you? Aria tried to touch it but Selena slapped her hand away. "Are you crazy?! Can you not push down on a super painful bruise?!" 

"Tell you what?" said Aria. "I'll go get you some ice." 

Selena didn't have it in her to argue that ice was only useful for a bruise before it formed. So she let her sister walk out the door. Plus, she wanted some alone time. She picked up the brush and went back to brushing her hair when she heard a loud crack appear in her room. 

A dark figure moved quickly to the side of the room to that Selena couldn't see what it was through the reflection. She felt her heartbeat begin to race. She looked for something on the desk to hit someone with and realized the only thing she had that she could use to hit someone was a brush. 

Good enough for Abuela when we were kids. she thought to herself. 

She grabbed the brush and slowly turned around. She scanned her room but didn't see anything. There was no dark figure in the room. "You're seeing things Selena," she told herself as she turned back to her mirror quickly. "You had a rough day-" 

A hand appeared over her mouth and Selena's eyes went wide when she saw Gedeon's sick smile in the reflection of the mirror. He leaned down to her ear and whispered. "You helped steal the love of my life from me. Now I'm taking that boy's," Selena tried to scream but he leaned in closer. Selena could feel his breath on her face. "I will have my vengeance." 

A crack sounded and a dark red portal appeared in the middle of the room. Selena tried to kick off Gedeon, but he was too physically strong for her to make any break in his grip. She let electricity spark in her hands and placed it on his arm. Gedeon let go of her body, and she tried to make a run for her bedroom door. He grabbed ahold of her leg and drug her back toward the portal. He stood over Selena and smiled. 

"Don't worry. I'll take good care of you. Just like you did Deidre."

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