Chapter 24: Asher

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Asher awoke in a dark room that only had a dim lightbulb on top of the ceiling. From the brief amount of light he had, he could see that the room was bare. Steel walls formed around him, and not one had a single door. Not even a window was located in this room. A single steel chair that was bolted to the floor was the only piece of furniture, and Asher was strapped to it. 

He tugged at his arms to free himself, but the restraints wouldn't budge. He couldn't get free. He was just sitting in a dark room. 

Asher was trapped. 

"Hello?" he called out into the darkness. 

Asher hated to feel confined. Something about being told he couldn't do something always made him want to do it more. He never saw it as rebellious. He just knew that he wanted to say that he controlled it at the end of his life. As the setting of where he was started to dawn on him, Asher felt his pulse quicken. 

"Please?!" Asher called out. 

The sound of a camera lens shutting alerted him. He looked up and around to see it, but the very little light he had didn't allow him that view. "Is someone there?" he called out hopefully. Unsurprised that no one answered, Asher, leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He had to figure a way out of here. He needed to get back to the high school and fight the monster. He needed to get back to his mom and Chantel. 


Even the thought of her sent butterflies into Asher's stomach. He wasn't sure what this girl had on him, but he hoped that this feeling would stay forever. Or at least a long time until she realized who he was. 

She was too good for him, and Asher knew that. It was only a matter of time before she found a nice guy in college with a lot more prospects than what he was ever going to be able to offer her. Even with magic powers, the real world couldn't get fixed with the wave of a wand. Was he even in the real world anymore, though? Asher scoffed as he attempted to grasp some idea of what normalcy was anymore. Was he the water king, or whatever they called him earlier, or was he Asher, the class clown? What was his previous name again? Brennan?

The sound of running water alerted Asher in the small room. He quickly opened his eyes and saw that there was a small puddle forming around his feet. He stared at the ground, confused. Was that there a minute ago? The water continued to sound, and Asher's eyes widened as he realized the room was going to fill itself up. 

And I'm attached to a fucking chair. 

"HELP!" he called out. "PLEASE, ANYONE?!"

No one responded. Instead, the water only rose higher.  He felt his shoe fill with water as he looked down and saw that the water was just high enough to rise above the sole of his boot. He tugged at his wrist in hopes that the restraints would open, and then magically, they did. He stood up and ran around the room. He searched for something, anything, that would help him get out of the room. 

The water rose to his ankles, and Asher felt hope start to fade as he banged on the wall. "Please!?" he screamed. "I don't want to die." 

He sunk to his knees, and tears started to well up in his eyes. Great, he thought to himself as he furiously wiped his eyes. Not only are you about to die, but whoever is killing you is seeing you act like a little bitch while doing so. 

"Crying is not a bad thing," a small voice said.  "If you have a feeling, you should let it out." 

Asher paused. He picked his head up and looked around the room, but there was no one there. "Hello?" he called out. 

"Yes," said the voice. "Hello." 

A little boy was the one talking to him. He looked around the room. The last thing he needed was to die with a little boy in the room. Asher didn't want to be responsible for two deaths. When the room still only had the chair, though, Asher was confused. "Are you in here?" he called out. 

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